Arizona Multihousing Association
Notification of Enforcement of Crime Free Addendum to Rental Agreement
To: All Residents
Arizona recently passed a Medical Marijuana law that permits the limited use of Medical
Marijuana in specific and limited circumstances. The State of Arizona has adopted, or is in the
process of adopting, rules that govern the manner of establishing the regulations for the use of
medical marijuana.
Despite Arizonas new law, the federal Controlled Substance Act (CSA) categorizes
marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance and the manufacture, distribution, or possession of
marijuana is a federal criminal offense. See 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq. Furthermore, the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development has sent out a Memorandum that specifically
states that the use of marijuana for medical purposes violates federal law and that federal and
state nondiscrimination laws do not require landlords to accommodate requests by current or
prospective residents with disabilities to use medical marijuana. See Medical Use of Marijuana
and Reasonable Accommodation in Federal Public and Assisted Housing dated January 20, 2011.
This property has determined that the use, possession, distribution or manufacture of
marijuana has been determined to interfere with the health, safety, welfare and right to
peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents. As such, the management hereby
informs and reminds all tenants that they signed a Crime Free Addendum when they moved in
and, pursuant to that addendum and the supporting federal laws, any use of marijuana (medical
or otherwise) by the tenant or their guests will result in immediate termination. If you have any
questions or concerns about this policy, please speak to the management.
Dated this ___________day of _________________, 20______