big cat incidents
Less than 400 of the estimated 5,000 to 7,000 captive tigers in the U.S. are held at facilities accredited by the
Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The remaining tigers and many other big cats are primarily at unaccredited
breeding facilities, poorly run roadside zoos, traveling zoos, pseudo-sanctuaries, and private menageries where
the greatest risk of fatal attacks or injuries are likely to occur. Since 1990, more than 300 dangerous incidents
involving big cats have occurred in 44 states. Four children lost their lives and dozens of others lost limbs or
suffered other often traumatic injuries. Sixteen adults have been killed, and scores have been mauled. Many
captive tigers are kept in inhumane conditions, pose a threat to the community, create a burden for law
enforcement agencies and sanctuaries, and jeopardize conservation efforts. Following is a partial list of dangerous
incidents involving captive big cats, with some of the more notable items highlighted.
“Daddy, why did that
tiger bite my arm
4-year-old boy,
recovering in a hospital
after he was attacked
by his uncle’s pet tiger
in Texas
June 25, 2012/Pataskala, Ohio: While visiting a home with a private menagerie of
exotic animals to determine if it was safe for the woman’s twin 3-year-old nieces
to live there, a county caseworker was was bitten by a cougar kept in a makeshift
cage in the backyard, despite false assurances that the cougar had no teeth. When
the woman ran her hand along the outside of the caging, the cougar “grabbed
[her] left pinky finger and held on,” causing bleeding and sending her to the
hospital where she was told she needed to see a specialist.
May 28, 2012/Brooksville, Florida: A 275-pound pet cougar escaped from his cage
in a backyard menagerie and killed a neighbor’s dog who had wandered onto the
May 16, 2012/Wynnewood, Oklahoma: In a CBS News piece covering an HSUS
undercover investigation of GW Exotic Animal Park, zoo owner Joe Schreibvogel
warned there would be a “small Waco” if anyone tried to remove some of his
more than 200 big cats. The investigation revealed children, who were sometimes
injured, being allowed to interact with dangerous wild animals. The reporter also
mentioned that GW is under investigation by the USDA for the deaths of 23 tiger
cubs between 2009-2010.
October 18, 2011/Zanesville, Ohio: Fifty animals escaped from Terry Thompson’s
farm when Thompson opened all the enclosures and fences and then killed
himself. The sheriff’s office warned residents to stay in their homes and
recommended that local schools close, and a sign on the Interstate cautioned
motorists to stay in their vehicles. Forty-eight animals were subsequently shot and
killed by sheriff’s deputiestwo wolves, six black bears, two grizzly bears, 18
tigers, three cougars, and 17 African lions. A baboon was killed by the big cats and
a macaque monkey who was released and never found was believed to have been
killed and eaten by the big cats. Three leopards, a grizzly bear and two monkeys
were taken to the Columbus Zoo. Thompson had just been released from prison
after serving a one-year term for weapons offences.
Captive big cats require special
diets, exercise, and
opportunities to express
natural behaviors. Scientists
have found significantly higher
stress and frustration levels in
caged carnivores who, in the
wild, would roam vast
territories. Rampant and
careless breeding has resulted
in very large numbers of
unwanted tigers as well as
unhealthy tigers and other big
cats who suffer from shrunken
hearts, shortened tendons,
club feet, kidney ailments,
malformed backbones,
deformed faces, and contorted
big cat incidents
Since 1990
Human Deaths
Human Injuries
Animal Deaths
October 16, 2011/Odessa, Texas: A 4-year-old boy was attacked and mauled by a
150-pound cougar who was kept as a pet by a relative. The child was standing near
the cougar’s cage when the animal reached out and grabbed him. The boy was
taken to hospital with significant damage to the left side of his body. The cougar
was seized by animal control officials and euthanized.
August 11, 2011/Halifax Township, Pennsylvania: An employee of the Lake Tobias
Wildlife Park was attacked by a 450-pound tiger after she stuck her arm inside a
fence containing tigers. She sustained a severe injury to her arm which required
reconstructive surgery.
July 17, 2011/Manchester, Iowa: The owner of the Cricket Hollow Zoo was
attacked by a 600-pound tiger who escaped from a cage when a gate was
mistakenly left open. The tiger ripped the meat from the bone of the man’s upper
arm and practically scalped him, leaving his left ear dangling. The man’s wife
chased the tiger back into the pen with a stick. The victim was flown to a hospital
where his scalp and ear were sewn back into place and his arm surgically
November 19, 2010/San Antonio, Texas: A cougar escaped from the Wild Animal
Orphanage while cages were being moved. Law enforcement officers searched for
the animal for eight hours, during which time the cougar attacked and nearly killed
a puppy. Area schools were put on alert, and recess was canceled at the
elementary school. The cougar was ultimately tranquilized and recaptured.
October 22, 2010/Rock Springs, Wisconsin: A volunteer at Wisconsin Big Cat
Rescue and Education Center was severely bitten by an adult tiger who grabbed
the man’s arm and pulled it into the cage as the man was providing water to the
big cat. Other volunteers helped the victim extract his arm from the cage, and the
man was flown by helicopter to a hospital where he underwent surgery on his
hand and arm.
October 2, 2010/Idaville, Indiana: Two 900-to-1,000-pound tigers escaped from a
cage at a private menagerie called Great Cats of Indiana. The tigers pushed out the
corner post of a cage, which was held together with approximately 10 16-penny
nails. The tigers were reportedly acting aggressively and were shot by the facility’s
owner. One tiger was killed after being shot four times in the head and twice in the
body with a .223 rifle and twice in body with a 12-gauge shotgun. The other
sustained a wound to the abdomen from a 12-gauge shotgun. The tigers were
loose for at least 13 hours before they were shot.
September 5, 2010/Essex County, New Jersey: A leopard escaped from an
enclosure at the Turtle Back Zoo and hid behind a retaining wall in a zoo service
building. Visitors were moved to safe areas and the zoo was closed for
approximately 45 minutes while the leopard was sedated and recaptured.
big cat incidents
September 1, 2010/Las Vegas, Nevada: Numerous visitors looked on as an adult
male lion attacked a trainer at the MGM Grand lion habitat. The victim was treated
at a hospital and received stitches for a bite on the leg.
August 28, 2010/Miami, Florida: While chasing an escaped gibbon, a 500-pound
tiger jumped over a 14-foot-high fence and escaped from an enclosure at Jungle
Island. The tiger wandered freely around the zoo for approximately 20 minutes. At
one point he came within 10 feet of a 2-year-old toddler and stared face to face
with her. More than 100 park visitors were ushered into a dark barn for
protection. Four people were hurt during the chaos and were treated for minor
injuries. A fifth person was transported to a hospital after suffering a panic
April 23, 2010/Rockwell, North Carolina: A 100-pound tiger broke through plastic
glass while being loaded onto a trailer at Tiger World, an unaccredited zoo. For
several moments, the escaped tiger was on a leash but not under the control of a
handler. The tiger passed “just feet” directly in front of two families with young
children, all of whom ran and hid behind a cash-register area. The USDA later
ordered Tiger World to pay a $2,571 penalty for this incident.
18,19, 20
April 15, 2010/Beltrami County, Minnesota: Two 100-pound adolescent African
lions bumped open a gate and escaped from an enclosure at Paul Bunyan’s Animal
Land. The two lions were found wrestling with a dog in the front yard of a home in
a residential neighborhood approximately two blocks away.
April 2010/Brown County, Ohio: A cougar who had been purchased as a pet at a
flea market escaped and remained on the loose a month later.
February 19, 2010/Palm Beach County, Florida: A jaguar at the Panther Ridge
Conservation Center grabbed a woman’s hand and tore off her thumb when the
woman wrapped her fingers around a part of an enclosure. This was at least the
third dangerous incident at the facility in the past five years (see March 29,
2008/Wellington, Florida, and February 26, 2005/Wellington, Florida).
October 10, 2009/Cleveland, Ohio: An adult clouded leopard escaped from his
enclosure at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo when a wire in his cage broke. The
leopard was tranquilized and recaptured.
July 30, 2009/Las Vegas, Nevada: A 400-pound tiger belonging to the Fercos
Brothers magic act escaped while being walked on a leash outside of the owners’
gated property. The tiger ran after a rabbit, causing Tony Fercos to fall and drop
the leash. Police responded to reports from local residents about a tiger wandering
the streets, and the animal was found in a resident’s backyard. The owners
cornered the tiger and returned him to his cage.
Texas: A 1-year-old, 180-pound
tiger was found dead in a wooded
area off the interstate. The
female tiger was declawed and
wearing a make-shift leash. Shell
casings were found in her head
and chest - she had been shot five
big cat incidents
“Honest to God,
when is it going to
end? ... To these
animals, we’re food.”
Mother of a 7-year-old
Minnesota girl attacked
by a tiger
May 25, 2009/Lisbon, Ohio: A 10-year-old girl was bitten by a friend’s pet cougar
when she reached her arm into the cage. The girl was rushed to a local hospital
and then airlifted to Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. A USDA inspector cited the
owner, Matt Joseph, for unsafe handling and warned, “[a]nyone could access
these animals when the owners are not at home.”
May 24, 2009/Great Bend, Kansas: A 150-pound cougar escaped an enclosure at
the Great Bend Zoo when a zookeeper left a door open. Zoo visitors were
evacuated and the cougar was shot and killed by police because tranquilizer darts
were not readily available and the animal became aggressive.
May 24, 2009/Memphis, Tennessee: A zookeeper at the Memphis Zoo was bitten
by an adult tiger who escaped into a corridor through unlocked doors. The keeper
was taken to a hospital for a bite to his leg. The tiger was sedated and returned to
her cage.
May 2, 2009/Osceola County, Florida: A pregnant cougar owned by Jungle
Adventure Park escaped as she was being moved from one cage to another and
ran into nearby woods. The state wildlife agency and county sheriff’s office
searched unsuccessfully for the cougar.
April 24, 2009/Calhan, Colorado: A volunteer was bitten on the arm by a tiger
while he was cleaning cages at Serenity Springs Wildlife Center. The man was
taken by ambulance to a hospital.
April 17, 2009/Jacksonville, Florida: A jaguar escaped from an enclosure at the
Jacksonville Zoo through a hole in the fence possibly caused by a grounds keeper.
The jaguar was netted and returned to the enclosure.
February 21, 2009/Oakley, Kansas: One of three lions kept in the private
menagerie of Jeffrey Harsh attacked a man who put his arm into the cage. Harsh
reportedly beat the lion with a steel pipe so she would release the man. The victim
sustained deep lacerations to both arms and was taken to a hospital in Denver for
February 11, 2009/Omaha, Nebraska: A veterinarian at the Henry Doorly Zoo was
bitten by a tiger while performing a routine medical examination on the animal.
The 200-pound anesthetized tiger bit the veterinarian’s right forearm three times
and he was taken to the hospital in serious condition.
February 7, 2009/Troy, Alabama: A 2-year-old boy was clawed by a leopard at the
McClelland Critters zoo when the owner of the facility took visitors behind the
barrier that separates the animals from the public. The boy sustained lacerations
that required more than 100 stitches and the family filed a lawsuit against the
big cat incidents
“I can remember
seeing the sky. But I
don’t know if that’s
true or a dream. I
remember seeing a
huge blue expanse,
and I remember
seeing the clouds.
North Carolina
teenager, 15 years after
he was blinded when
his father’s pet tiger bit
and crushed his skull
January 18, 2009/Thurmont, Maryland: An animal care worker at Catoctin Wildlife
Preserve and Zoo was critically injured by one, and possibly two, jaguars after she
failed to secure the animals’ inside area before working in it. Both jaguars entered
the area and the woman was attacked by the nearly 200-pound male jaguar and
possibly the female jaguar as well. A fire extinguisher was sprayed at the male
jaguar to fend him off. Emergency medical technicians responded to the incident
and the victim was taken to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center. She spent 10 days
in the hospital for injuries to her face and upper body. Both jaguars were placed in
quarantine for one month.
January 18, 2009/Ingram, Texas: A 330-pound pet tiger owned by Anke Leitner
escaped from her enclosure and was discovered in the residential backyard of a
79-year-old woman. The tiger was shot with a tranquilizer dart and recaptured.
January 8, 2009/Salem, Oregon: During a USDA inspection, exhibitor James Wise
was demonstrating to the inspector how he gave an adult male tiger a pill. When
Wise turned around, the tiger lunged at him, bit his forearm, and pushed him into
a fence. Wise hit the tiger on the face until he released his grip long enough for
Wise to escape the enclosure.
December 12, 2008/Las Vegas, Nevada: Numerous visitors looked on as a lion
attacked and bit a trainer on the leg during a feeding at the MGM Grand lion
habitat. Another trainer intervened by hitting the lion on the nose. The victim
sustained injuries requiring stitches.
December 9, 2008/Albion, Indiana: A 350- to 400-pound Bengal tiger escaped
from her enclosure at the Black Pine Animal Park when a keeper accidentally left a
door open. The tiger was seen running on a local firefighter’s farm. Park
employees, sheriff’s deputies, firefighters, conservation officers, and local and
state police were called in and thermal imaging equipment was used to aid in the
search, which lasted nearly seven hours. Two tranquilizer darts had no effect on
the tiger who eventually returned to the park on her own and was coaxed into a
November 29, 2008/Pocahontas County, West Virginia: A 250- to 300-pound pet
Bengal tiger escaped from an exotic animal farm owned by David Cassell after
squeezing through a hole in chain-link cage fencing. Employees at a local ski resort
saw the animal’s footprints, county and state officials were notified, and the tiger
was tracked into the Monongahela National Forest where she was ultimately shot
and killed by Cassell.
November 16, 2008/Luray, Virginia: A 16-year-old employee at the Luray Zoo was
attacked by an adult tiger as she attempted to pet the animal while giving a tour to
a group of visitors. The tiger reportedly pulled the girl’s arm into the cage, causing
severe injuries to her left hand and arm and biting off her right pinkie finger. Luray
Zoo was fined $500 by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and cited
by the USDA for violating handling regulations as a result of the incident.
47,48, 49
big cat incidents
“My boy was not
mauled, he was being
eaten alive.”
Father who saw his 13-
year-old boy being
attacked by his
grandfather’s pet tiger
and lion in Texas
November 15, 2008/Dade County, Florida: A 16-year-old girl was mauled by a
150-pound cougar at the private menagerie of Alan Rigerman. The animal pinned
the girl to the ground and clenched his jaws around her head. A neighbor freed the
girl by punching and kicking at the cougar. The victim underwent extensive surgery
to repair a large gash in the back of her neck.
October 30, 2008/Atlanta, Georgia: One of two 1-year-old cheetahs who were
being transported in the cargo hold of a passenger plane from Wildlife Safari Park
in Winston, Oregon, to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee escaped from her travel
crate. An airline baggage worker in Atlanta opened the plane’s cargo door and
found the cheetah running loose amid the luggage. The plane was moved into a
closed airport hangar, and both cheetahs were tranquilized and taken to the
Atlanta zoo for a few days before continuing their trip to Memphis.
October 29, 2008/Broken Arrow, Oklahoma: A volunteer was attacked by a 1,000-
pound liger (a cross between a lion and a tiger) while feeding the animal at Safari’s
Wildlife Sanctuary. The man suffered puncture wounds to his neck and upper back
as well as trauma to his vertebrae. He was flown by medical helicopter to a
hospital and died the next day from his injuries. A group of 40 elementary school
children was walking by the animal’s cage as the incident occurred.
September 2008/Mentone, Alabama: A cougar escaped from his cage at Lookout
Mountain Wild Animal Park and attacked a black leopard’s paw through the fence
of her enclosure. The cougar was shot and killed in order to get him to release his
hold on the leopard’s paw.
August 19, 2008/West Palm Beach, Florida: An adult lion and an adult tiger
escaped from their cage overnight at McCarthy’s Wildlife Sanctuary. Three schools
in the area were on lockdown while officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office searched for
the animals, who were both located the next day, tranquilized, and returned to
August 19, 2008/Washoe County, Nevada: Two black leopards were found on the
roof of a private home after they apparently jumped a 12-foot fence while the
owners were out of town. Authorities tranquilized both leopards, and they were
taken to the local animal shelter.
August 5, 2008/Richmond, Illinois: During a rehearsal for a circus performance, a
tiger at the Hawthorn Corporation circus training facility attacked a man, knocking
him to the ground, face down, and grabbing him by the neck. The man sustained
deep puncture wounds and several scratches to his upper body, neck, and knee.
Others present during the attack hit the animal with wooden poles in order to get
him to release the victim. Paramedics transported the man to the hospital, where
he stayed for five or six days. It was the second time the man had been attacked by
a tiger at the facility.
big cat incidents
“I have friends come
for dinner; they won’t
come back. If they
have kids, the kids
are terrified.”
Neighbor of a New
York man who
obtained a USDA
exhibitor license to
skirt state law that
prohibits keeping pet
tigers and other big
August 4, 2008/Branson, Missouri: A 16-year-old worker at Predator World was
left a quadriplegic after he was attacked by three tigers when he went into the
enclosure to photograph the animals for a visitor. One of the tigers jumped on the
victim and knocked him to the ground before the two other animals joined the
attack and dragged him to a water pool. Staff members used a fire extinguisher to
deter the cats and pulled the teen from the cage. He was airlifted to the hospital
and listed in critical condition with severe trauma to his neck and airway as well as
a serious laceration to his leg. The family later filed a lawsuit against the animal
August 3, 2008/Warren County, Missouri: A 26-year-old volunteer at the Wesa-A-
Geh-Ya exotic animal farm was attacked by an 800-pound tiger while cleaning
cages. The man was standing on top of a cage when a tiger scaled the 12- to 14-
foot chain-link fence and grabbed him. The victim’s leg had much of the skin
stripped off down to the bare bone, and he was flown by air ambulance to the
hospital, where he underwent two surgeries to amputate his lower leg. The facility
owners, who initially tried to cover up the incident by claiming that the victim had
been attacked by a pit bull, shot and wounded the tiger during the attack and then
later shot and killed him.
July 14, 2008/El Paso County, Colorado: El Paso County Sheriff’s deputies
searched for what was believed to be an African lion who was spotted running
loose by two witnesses, one of whom saw the animal chase several dogs through a
field. Authorities issued a reverse 911 call warning area residents of the loose
May 24, 2008/South Bend, Indiana: A keeper at the Potawatomi Zoo was attacked
by a leopard while cleaning an off-exhibit holding area. She was taken to a hospital
by ambulance to be treated for her injuries.
May 24, 2008/Royal Oak, Michigan: A keeper at the Detroit Zoo was bitten and
scratched by a lion while transferring the animals inside for the evening. He fended
the animal off with pepper spray and was treated at a nearby hospital, where he
received stitches for his injuries.
May 19, 2008/Neosho, Missouri: A black leopard approached a woman hanging
laundry in her yard and then clawed at the door to her home when she retreated
inside. The cat then charged a sheriff’s deputy who arrived on the scene, ran past
him, and turned around and charged again before being killed by several shots
from the deputy’s rifle and Glock handgun. Authorities speculated that the cat,
who had been declawed, was a pet who had escaped or been abandoned.
May 11, 2008/Toledo, Ohio: A keeper at the Toledo Zoo sustained three
lacerations to his chest after a 5-year-old tiger reached through a double mesh
barrier and clawed him. He was treated at a nearby hospital.
big cat incidents
“[T]igers are 360720
times more likely to
be involved in a fatal
attack than dogs.”
P.J. Nyhus, R.L.
Tilson, and J.L.
“Dangerous Animals in
Captivity: Ex Situ Tiger
Conflict and
Implications for Private
Ownership of Exotic
Zoo Biology
22:(2003) 573586.
May 5, 2008/Miami, Florida: Mark McCarthy, owner of McCarthy’s Wildlife
Sanctuary, was bitten by an adult tiger during a photo shoot for a music video. The
tiger began to choke and panicked when a chain tightened around her neck and
body. McCarthy sustained bone-deep puncture wounds to his calf while
attempting to free the chain, which ultimately had to be cut to be removed. He
was treated by paramedics at the scene.
March 29, 2008/Wellington, Florida: The owner of Panther Ridge Conservation
Center was attacked by two cheetahs while conducting an exhibition inside the
animals’ cage during a fundraising event. She was pinned down by the cheetahs,
who then bit and clawed at her for 10 minutes before she could be removed from
the cage and airlifted to a hospital. She sustained 40 puncture wounds to her back,
arms, and legs
March 24, 2008/ Las Vegas, Nevada: A panther likely kept as a pet attacked a dog
in the back yard of a home in a residential area. Police attempted to shoot the
panther, but the animal escaped.
February 21, 2008/Honolulu, Hawaii: A 245-pound tiger escaped from his
enclosure at the Honolulu Zoo when a zookeeper failed to secure two gates in the
exhibit. During the 20 to 25 minutes that he was on the loose, the tiger walked
past a volunteer and into an open area of the zoo, where nothing but a 4-foot
fence separated him from the wider public areas of the zoo, including a
February 10, 2008/West Palm Beach, Florida: A Palm Beach Zoo employee was
bitten by a tiger during a training session. The worker was taken to a local hospital
for treatment.
February 9, 2008/Davenport, Florida: A volunteer was clawed by a tiger while
cleaning the animal’s cage at Horseshoe Creek Wildlife Foundation. The woman
suffered injuries when the tiger swiped at her leg.
January 20, 2008/Cedar Creek, Texas: A volunteer at the Capital of Texas Zoo was
bitten by a cougar when she reached into the pen to pet the animal. The cougar
gripped her arm and the girl sustained a broken thumb and bites that required
stitches. She was the second person to be bitten by this animal (see 2007/Cedar
Creek, Texas).
January 10, 2008/San Francisco, California: A 90-pound snow leopard nearly
escaped after he chewed or tore through a steel mesh wall that separated his
feeding cage from a zookeeper service area. The animal created a hole large
enough to get his leg and head through.
December 27, 2007/Manitowoc, Wisconsin: Two cougars escaped from the
Lincoln Park Zoo when the fencing of the cage was cut by vandals. The animals
were on the loose for approximately two hours before being located, tranquilized,
and returned to the cage.
big cat incidents
“To have escaped
from their confines
and being loose in
the community was
just unimaginable.”
Detective for the
Bannock County
Sheriff’s Office in
Idaho, commenting on
the escape and killing
of 19 African lions at
December 25, 2007/San Francisco, California: A 300-pound tiger escaped from her
enclosure, which was surrounded by a moat 20 feet wide and a 12½-foot-high wall.
She attacked three visitors, quickly killing a teenager and following the other two
male victims―a teenager and an adult―for 300 yards before mauling them. The
two survivors sustained deep bites and claw cuts on their heads, necks, arms, and
hands, and both underwent surgery for their wounds. The tiger was shot and killed
by police. This was the same tiger who ripped the flesh off a zookeeper’s arm
approximately one year ago (see December 22, 2006/San Francisco, California).
December 3, 2007/Acton, California: A 4-year-old male tiger mauled a caretaker
who was cleaning his enclosure at the Shambala Preserve. The man sustained
multiple bite wounds and was airlifted to a hospital, where he was listed in critical
November 19, 2007/Saint Louis, Missouri: A portion of the Saint Louis Zoo was
evacuated when a 1-year-old cheetah scaled a wall at least 10 feet high and got
into an area intended to separate animals from people and was loose for nearly
half an hour. The incident marked the third time since 2000 that a cheetah has
escaped at this zoo.
November 19, 2007/Pike County, Ohio: One of two pet lions escaped from a cage
and onto a nearby highway, where he chased and attacked passing cars. The State
Highway Patrol and the Pike County Sheriff’s Department responded to the call.
The owner ultimately lured the 550-pound lion back to the cage. A Pike County
Humane Agent inspected the property and found that the wood and wire cage
where two lions were kept was caked with manure and littered with rotting animal
November 14, 2007/New Hampton, Iowa: A pet tiger escaped from a cage by
rushing past the owner at feeding time and attacked and mauled the family’s dog.
When the dog ran toward cars from the local sheriff’s department and the tiger
followed, a deputy sheriff shot and killed the tiger through a partially opened
window of his vehicle.
October 1, 2007/Pahrump, Nevada: A cougar escaped from her holding pen at
Running Wild animal compound and attacked a volunteer who entered the
enclosure with a bucket of meat. The woman was knocked to the ground by the
cougar and bitten on the neck, back, hands, and arms. The cougar stopped the
attack when emergency sirens approached the facility.
July 14, 2007/San Antonio, Texas: A keeper who forgot to close a gate was
attacked by a 244-pound tiger at the San Antonio Zoo. The tiger knocked the man
down, dragged him, and bit him on the head several times before the keeper
managed to escape by spraying the animal with pepper spray. The keeper was
airlifted to the hospital with critical injuries to his head, neck, and arm.
big cat incidents
July 6, 2007/Marion County, Arkansas: A man was injured by one of his 5½-year-
old pet cougars as he was cleaning the animals’ cage. The male cougar knocked the
man to the ground and bit him on the back of the neck, head, and leg. He was
taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries.
May 2007/Chanceford Township, Pennsylvania: A 110-pound pet cougar escaped
from a cage and was on the loose for more than a day.
Saturday, February 24, 2007/Denver, Colorado: A keeper at the Denver Zoo was
attacked and bitten on the neck by a 140-pound jaguar in a service hallway
adjacent to the enclosure for the animals. The woman suffered extensive internal
injuries and died at the hospital of a broken neck. The jaguar was shot and killed
during the incident.
95,96, 97
January 21, 2007/San Angelo, Texas: A woman was given a tetanus shot at a
hospital emergency room after a 10-week-old African lion cub bit her right forearm
and would not let go until a worker repeatedly hit the cub in the face. The cub,
who was placed under quarantine, was being exhibited by GW Exotic Animal
Foundation at a mall where patrons were allowed to pet and interact with the
January 5, 2007/Center Point, Indiana: An 80-pound cougar scaled a 14-foot fence
and escaped from her enclosure at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center. More than two
months later, she was still on the loose.
2007/Cedar Creek, Texas: A volunteer at the Capital of Texas Zoo was bitten by a
cougar when she reached into the pen to pet the animal.
December 22, 2006/San Francisco, California: A keeper at the San Francisco Zoo
was attacked by a 350-pound tiger who reached through the bars of her cage and
grabbed the woman. The keeper sustained deep lacerations to her arms, which
required surgery and may have resulted in the loss of one arm. A zoogoer who
witnessed the attack described what she saw: “The right arm was in the tiger’s
mouth …. The left arm was just being held there (in the claws) and the right arm
was being eaten. She was screaming and flailing away.” The tiger released the
woman when other zookeepers jabbed the tiger in the head with a pole.
102,103, 104
December 22, 2006/Washington, D.C.: A clouded leopard at the National Zoo
escaped her cage through a hole in the fence and ventured onto zoo grounds.
Visitors were evacuated while zoo employees surrounded the cat with nets and
tranquilizer guns, sedated her, and returned her to her cage.
November 24, 2006/Evansville, Indiana: Animal trainer Wade Burck was clawed
by a tiger during a performance of the Hadi Shrine Circus. Burck received hospital
treatment, including stitches, for wounds to his left forearm and leg.
July 19, 2005/Colton, California:
John Weinhart, operator of Tiger
Rescue, a facility that charged a
fee for the public to have their
photos taken with tiger cubs, was
convicted of child endangerment
and animal cruelty and sentenced
to two years in jail and five years
of probation. Authorities raided
his home in 2003 and found 11
tiger and leopard cubs in the
attic, two tigers on the front
porch, 58 dead tiger cubs in a
freezer, and about 30 dead tigers
decomposing on the property.
Thirty-nine abused tigers were
seized and relocated to the
Performing Animal Welfare
Society sanctuary.
big cat incidents
“Granny, I hate to
call you this time of
night, and don’t want
you to get scared, but
a tiger is loose.
Texas man warning his
79-year-old mother-in-
law that an escaped pet
tiger was pacing along
her rear fenceline
barely 20 feet away
from her back window
November 18, 2006/Coral Gables, Florida: A 4-year-old girl was mauled by a 62-
pound cougar at a children’s birthday party. The cat took the child’s head into her
mouth, inflicting severe cuts to the girl’s eyelid, cheek, and ear, and requiring
surgical reattachment of part of her severed ear. The cougar had been provided by
Wild Animal World and was killed to be tested for rabies. The proprietor of Wild
Animal World had been cited at least twice previously for similar attacks.
November 14, 2006/Gulf Breeze, Florida: Two 150-pound cougars escaped
through a hole in the fence of their pen and were loose for nearly three hours at
The Zoo. The facility was closed and visitors were moved to secured areas while a
search, aided by an Escambia County helicopter using infrared cameras, Santa
Rosa deputies, and Midway firefighters, was conducted for the cougars. Both were
ultimately tranquilized and returned to the cage.
November 13, 2006/Gulf Breeze, Florida: A keeper at The Zoo was bitten by a
leopard and sustained wounds on her hand.
October 16, 2006/Fleetwood, North Carolina: A woman who attempted to pet a
leopard at the New River Zoo was bitten on the arm and wrist, sustaining injuries
that required surgery. The woman alleged that the owner of the zoo had
encouraged her to pet the animal. The leopard was euthanized.
October 16, 2006/Copley Township, Ohio: A veterinarian with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture was attacked by a tiger during an inspection at the L&L
Exotic Animal Farm. The tiger reached outside the cage, grabbed the woman’s
arm, pulled her toward the cage, and got her arm into her mouth. She was treated
at the hospital for scratches and bruising.
October 6, 2006/Hesperia, California: A 500-pound tiger escaped from a cage at
the Cinema Safari Zoo when zoo workers failed to lock the cage during cleaning.
Because the zoo did not have the proper equipment on hand to tranquilize a tiger,
the animal was on the loose for hours, during which time he attacked a donkey,
biting the animal’s neck and a leg. When the proper equipment was obtained, the
tiger was tranquilized and returned to the cage.
September 12, 2006/Balm, Florida: Lancelot Kollmann, owner of an animal
business called Sir Lance A Lot, was attacked by a 250-pound tiger while cleaning a
cage. His lower lip was split in two, requiring 25 stitches, and the side of one arm,
which was sliced down to the bone, required five stitches and a drainage
big cat incidents
“If somebody thinks
they’re going to walk
in here and take my
animals away, it’s
going to be a small
Owner of GW Exotics
in Oklahoma, a
roadside zoo with
approximately 200 big
cats, during an
interview with a
August 22, 2006/Tampa, Florida: Enshala, a 180-pound Sumatran tiger at the
Lowry Park Zoo, escaped her enclosure 15 minutes before closing time and was
loose for 50 minutes when an unlocked latch allowed her access to an empty
exhibit under renovation. Zoo visitors were moved to safety in the zoo’s
restaurants or sent home as a 10-person weapons team assembled. Enshala
became agitated when she was shot with a tranquilizer dart, causing her to lurch
at a zoo veterinarian as well as a 7-foot wall separating her from public areas. She
was shot by zoo president Lex Salisbury who fired four shots with a 12-guage
shotgun, killing her.
July 18, 2006/Ballston Spa, New York: A 4-year-old boy was clawed by an adult
tiger displayed by the Ashville Game Farm at the Saratoga County Fair. The child
was sitting next to a cage while having his photo taken with a baby kangaroo when
the tiger reached out and clawed him. The boy was treated at the hospital and
received 14 stitches for a 1-inch gash on his head. As a result of this incident, state
officials forced the facility to relocate its big cats. In 2008, Terry Thompson of
Zanesville, Ohio, picked up three tigers, two lions and two cougars from Ashville
Game Farm. These animals were likely among the nearly 50 animals shot and killed
by police in October 2011 after they were released by Thompson before he
committed suicide.
June 16, 2006/Kaufman County, Texas: A part-time employee at Zoo Dynamics, an
animal facility owned by Marcus Cook, was chased and mauled by a 300-pound
tiger who climbed out of an uncovered enclosure. The tiger grabbed the man and
threw him down, ripped off his ear, and left severe claw marks all over his body.
The man spent the weekend in intensive care and received some 2,000 stitches.
The employee in charge took the victim to the hospital without notifying local
authorities that a tiger was still loose on the premises and recaptured the animal
upon his return.
May 2006/Kingman, Arizona: A woman was attacked by two tigers at Jonathan
Kraft’s Keepers of the Wild animal sanctuary and required surgery for her
April 6, 2006/Pine County, Minnesota: Cynthia Gamble, owner of Center for
Endangered Cats, was killed by an adult male tiger when she entered his cage. She
died of crushing injuries to her throat and blood loss. The 400-pound tiger, who
was about 100 pounds underweight, bit off her right foot and portions of both
arms. The tiger was euthanized.
February 24, 2006/San Antonio, Texas: A cheetah at the San Antonio Zoo escaped
from her enclosure by climbing over an approximately 10-foot-high fence into a
tree and then jumping to the ground. She was loose for 20 minutes before being
tranquilized and returned to her cage.
big cat incidents
“I heard my little boy
saying, ‘Daddy.’
Texas father who
watched helplessly as
his 3-year-old son was
dragged around like rag
doll and ultimately
killed by a tiger
February 15, 2006/Birmingham, Alabama: An employee at the Birmingham Zoo
was attacked by an adult lion while feeding the animals and moving them to the
outdoor exhibit. The woman was taken to the hospital with bites on her scalp,
right arm, and abdomen.
January 30, 2006/Fort Wayne, Indiana: A tiger escaped an enclosure at the Fort
Wayne Zoological Society when a keeper failed to close a gate separating the
enclosure from an aisle where the keeper was working. The keeper escaped to an
unoccupied area and the tiger was tranquilized and returned to the enclosure.
January 10, 2006/Center Hill, Florida: A cougar slipped through an unsecured door
and escaped from his enclosure at the Savage Kingdom breeding facility. As the
cougar headed for an open field, an employee attempted to lasso him and was
bitten on the lower leg. Other employees got ropes around the cougar’s neck and
the animal strangled to death as he struggled to resist the ropes.
November 16, 2005/Greenwich, New York: An adult tiger escaped from the
Ashville Game Farm and Exotic Zoo by pushing through a section of fence across
the top of her cage and jumping out. She was on the loose for approximately five
hours before being found in a resident’s yard several miles from the zoo,
tranquilized, and returned to her cage.
October 6, 2005/Duluth, Minnesota: Two zookeepers were bitten by a 400-pound
tiger at the Lake Superior Zoo while they were moving the animal back to his cage
following surgery. The anesthetized tiger bit down on one employee’s arm, holding
the bite for approximately 30 seconds and causing puncture wounds that required
the man to be hospitalized. A second zookeeper sustained cuts to his hands and
fingers as he helped other employees who used a broomstick and their hands to
pry the tiger’s mouth open.
September 28, 2005/Lewis County, Washington: A 5-year-old boy was tackled by
one of his grandfather’s pet tigers. The 80-pound tiger escaped through a gap in
the fence and scratched the boy’s leg and gave him a puncture wound on his
August 18, 2005/Mound Valley, Kansas: A 17-year-old girl was killed by a 300-
pound tiger while having her picture taken with the animal at the Lost Creek
Animal Sanctuary. During the photo session, the tiger, who was being held on a
chain, lunged at the girl. The handler was unable to restrain the animal, and the
tiger clamped his jaws on the girl’s neck. She was severely bitten and her neck was
broken. The tiger was killed.
July 8, 2005/Peoria, Illinois: A Frisco Bros. Petting Zoo employee was injured when
a 2-year-old tiger grabbed his hand with her front claws as he was removing a
feeding tray from the animal’s enclosure. The man was taken to the emergency
room and the tiger was quarantined by animal control for 30 days.
big cat incidents
“You’d expect
anything besides a
lion coming in your
back door.”
Father of a 5-year-old
girl who was attacked
inside of their mobile
home by a neighbor’s
escaped pet lion in
South Carolina
July 2005/Richmond, Illinois: Craig Perry, of Perry’s Wilderness Ranch and Zoo,
was mauled by a tiger at the Hawthorn Corporation’s circus-training facility. One of
14 tigers circled Perry during a photo shoot and then attacked his left leg. Perry
required immediate surgery and suffered nerve damage. Perry filed a lawsuit
against Hawthorn and the tiger trainer seeking more than $50,000 for medical bills
and pain and suffering.
June 22, 2005/Little Falls, Minnesota: A 10-year-old boy was attacked by a lion
and a tiger while visiting a private collection of pet exotic cats kept at an auto
dealership owned by Chuck Mock. When Mock opened a cage to go inside, a tiger
pushed through the door and attacked the boy. As Mock pulled the tiger off, a lion
came out and bit the boy, dragging him 25 to 30 feet. The boy sustained numerous
facial fractures and his spinal cord was severed, leaving him a quadriplegic. The
lion and tiger were killed.
June 11, 2005/Underwood, Minnesota: A full grown African lion escaped from his
cage at the Arcangel Wildlife Farm and wandered through neighbors’ yards for
approximately two hours before being shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy.
June 11, 2005/Lima, Ohio: Bradley Craft was attacked by his 160-pound pet
cougar. Craft grabbed the cougar’s tail to prevent the cat from attacking his
mother and the cat turned on him, biting him in the leg.
April 27, 2005/Red Wing, Minnesota: A 37-year-old woman was mauled by four
tigers while cleaning their pen at Grant Oly’s Tiger Zone. She was airlifted to a
hospital with wounds to her leg and neck and was listed in serious condition. She
was hospitalized for several days and underwent rabies shots. The county seized
Oly’s seven tigers and hired a big cat expert to care for them at his property. Oly’s
tigers were later transported to a Colorado sanctuary, at a cost of $30,000 to the
March 6, 2005/Underwood, Minnesota: A 16-year-old girl was petting a tiger
through the bars of a cage at the Arcangel Wildlife Farm when the tiger bit her
finger and clawed her hand. The wound required a dozen stitches and three
operations to treat an acute infection. The girl also underwent rabies shots.
February 26, 2005/Wellington, Florida: A 500-pound Bengal tiger escaped from a
cage at Panther Ridge Sanctuary by pushing past a woman who was feeding him
and who hadn’t latched the cage properly. More than 20 sheriff’s deputies and
state wildlife officers armed with rifles were positioned inside and outside the
perimeter fence of the facility as the tiger wandered the grounds for more than
two hours. Two tranquilizer darts were required to sedate the tiger so that he
could be recaptured.
big cat incidents
“The tigers managed
to get him by the
throat and neck area
and drag him into the
Missouri sheriff,
describing an attack by
three tigers on a
teenager who was left a
quadriplegic by the
February 23, 2005/Simi Valley, California: A tiger who had been roaming loose for
at least eight days was shot and killed several hundred yards from soccer and
baseball fields at the edge of a housing development. Authorities with California
Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Department of Agriculture had been
looking for the animal, setting traps and using infrared equipment at night.
February 23, 2005/Pahrump, Nevada: A pet leopard at Karl Mitchell’s facility bit
off the tip of a woman’s finger.
February 12, 2005/Oldsmar, Florida: A woman was bitten on the hand by a tiger
cub provided by Zoo Dynamics for public photo sessions at an automobile
February 11, 2005/Cut and Shoot, Texas: A worker at Wildlife Extravaganza was
hospitalized for several days after her arm was pulled through the feeding hole by
a leopard as she prepared to feed the cat. Two animal control officers were
stationed at the property around the clock to ensure there was no improper
contact while the leopard was placed under a 30-day quarantine.
January 26, 2005/Sioux Falls, South Dakota: A man was given rabies shots and
received stitches to his finger after claiming he was bitten by a tiger at the Great
Plains Zoo as he reached through a fence into the cage.
January 20, 2005/Baraboo, Wisconsin: An 8-year-old girl was bitten on the chest
by an 80-pound, 7-month-old lion cub at Creature Features Pet Store. The girl had
to undergo rabies shots. The lion was owned by Jeff Kozlowski.
December 24, 2004/Suffolk County, New York: An 8-year-old boy was attacked by
his father’s pet leopard. The boy was scratched on the chest and bitten on the
neck, and he required medical treatment. The boy’s father later pleaded guilty to
charges that included assault, reckless endangerment, unlawful imprisonment,
weapons charges and endangering the welfare of a child for forcing his children to
live with two wild felines.
December 5, 2004/Laredo, Texas: A circus worker was rushed to the hospital after
she was badly bitten on the hand by a caged tiger at Great Circus of China.
November 20, 2004/St. Augustine, Florida: A 350-pound tiger, displayed by The
Catty Shack Ranch at the St. Johns County Fair, attacked his handler and a 14-year-
old boy as he was being walked on a leash to a cage. The tiger jumped on the boy’s
back and knocked him to the ground and then turned on the handler. Police used
stun guns to stop the attack. The handler suffered puncture wounds to his head
and the boy was knocked down and scratched.
November 20, 2004/Branson West, Missouri: An 18-year-old volunteer at
Predator World spent the night in the hospital after being bitten on the arm by an
80-pound black leopard as he stood next to the cage.
big cat incidents
“The average U.S.
citizen has absolutely
no business owning
one of these animals,
absolutely none.
…They are putting
the public safety in
danger; they’re
putting themselves in
danger, and they are
confining these
animals that are not
meant to be
Father of a 10-year-old
girl who was killed by
his ex-wife’s pet tiger in
November 6, 2004/Gentry, Arkansas: A visitor was taken to the hospital after a
tiger pulled the flesh off her finger at the Wild Wilderness Drive Thru Safari when
she placed her hand in the cage.
October 30, 2004/Salisbury, Maryland: A visitor to the Salisbury Zoo had part of
his finger torn off when he approached a jaguar’s cage.
September 9, 2004/Chicago, Illinois: A keeper at Lincoln Park Zoo was seriously
injured with multiple bite wounds and lacerations after being attacked by a lion in
the outdoor exhibit. The incident forced an evacuation of the zoo.
September 8, 2004/Trenton, Maine: An employee was seriously injured, with
wounds to his face and arm, by a leopard at the Acadia Zoological Park.
August 1, 2004/Grayslake, Illinois: A man was bitten by a 2-month-old lion cub
displayed by Perry’s Wilderness Ranch and Zoo at the Lake County Fair. The man
was having his photo taken with the cub, who he described as “feisty,” when the
cub climbed up to his shoulder and bit him, breaking the skin and leaving teeth
marks. The cub was quarantined for one month.
July 31, 2004/New York, New York: A 450-pound white tiger belonging to Adriatic
Animal Attractions bolted from the New Cole Bros. Circus while being transferred
from one cage to another near the Forest Park bandshell in Queens. Dozens of
police officers with machine guns and tranquilizer darts pursued the tiger for 30
minutes as he prowled for a mile through a park crowded with picnickers,
scattering screaming people and causing two traffic accidents. He was recaptured
by the trainer. Two women filed a $60 million lawsuit after suffering spinal
fractures and other injuries in the multicar pileup on the Jackie Robinson
July 26, 2004/Shepherdsville, Kentucky: A 2-year-old, declawed pet snow leopard
escaped from his cage, broke through a wire gate, and ran into thick woods behind
the owner’s house.
July 17, 2004/Detroit Lakes, Minnesota: A worker with the Arcangel Wildlife Farm
was bitten by a tiger who was on display at a local festival. The leashed tiger
lunged at the man and bit him on the arm when the man attempted to move
July 14, 2004/Little Falls, Minnesota: A 22-year-old woman was bitten by an
African lion when she stuck her hand into a cage while visiting a private collection
of pet exotic cats kept at an auto dealership owned by Chuck Mock. The woman
suffered a severe laceration to her middle finger and cuts on two other fingers.
July 12, 2004/Loxahatchee, Florida: Deputy sheriffs and state game officials
launched an extensive search for a 600-pound pet tiger who jumped a 12-foot
fence and escaped from Steve Sipek’s private menagerie. Residents were escorted
to and from their homes while the tiger was on the loose. The tiger was shot and
killed the next day when he lunged at a wildlife officer.
big cat incidents
June 2, 2004/Landover Hills, Maryland: A tiger belonging to exhibitor Mitchel
Kalmanson escaped from the UniverSoul Circus, which was performing in a
shopping mall parking lot, after fighting with another tiger and attacked an
elephant, biting her on the hip. During the escape, there were several elementary
schools attending the performance, and children were walking under the tent in
the area where the tiger escaped.
May 28, 2004/Chillicothe, Ohio: A woman was transported by helicopter to a
hospital after she was bitten on the arm by her father’s pet lion when she reached
into the cage to pet her. The lion would not let go of her arm, even after spraying
the lion with a garden hose. Her father shot and killed the lion.
April 16, 2004/Indio Hills, California: After a tiger used in the movie industry
escaped from his compound, the California Department of Fish and Game and the
Riverside County Sheriff’s Department launched a search. The tiger was later
March 13, 2004/Massena, New York: A 4-year-old girl was mauled by her
grandmother’s pet cougar. The 160-pound cougar apparently reached through the
cage and grabbed the girl. She was hospitalized with cuts and bruises on her head
and an eye injury.
March 11, 2004/Reno, Nevada: A volunteer needed more than 15 stitches after a
declawed leopard at the Sierra Safari Zoo bit her as she reached into the pen for a
food bowl.
February 12, 2004/Hardin County, Illinois: A 52-year-old man with a private
menagerie of exotic cats and wolves bled to death after he was mauled by a
declawed African lion as he changed the bedding in the lion’s cage. During the
autopsy, a coroner found that the man had suffered numerous puncture wounds
and a broken neck. The lion was discovered running loose on the property and was
shot and killed by police.
February 9, 2004/Plaquemine, Louisiana: A woman was attacked by a declawed
pet leopard she kept in a makeshift 10-foot by 10-foot cage behind her house
trailer. The leopard bit her on the head, nearly tearing off her ear and ripping the
flesh from her scalp. Sheriff deputies and one of the woman’s relatives shot the
leopard four times, killing him. The leopard had been acquired from a Georgia
January 31, 2004/Fort Wayne, Indiana: A 4-year-old, 140-pound pet cougar
escaped from a car during a traffic accident and was shot and killed by police when
he lunged at an emergency worker. A month later, the man’s neighbors filed a
lawsuit seeking permanent removal of his “inherently extremely dangerous”
animals, which includes another cougar and three African wild cats.
January 18, 2005/Arkansas: A
400-pound pet tiger was
abandoned in the mountains of
north central Arkansas along the
Buffalo River. The tiger trekked 60
miles over the next four days,
returning to his owner’s home and
was then taken to a refuge.
big cat incidents
“[H]alf of the lady’s
head [was] engulfed
in the leopard’s
mouth. It was just
ripping at her.
Officer with a
Louisiana sheriff’s
office describing a
woman being attacked
by her pet leopard
January 24, 2004/Lowgap, North Carolina: A tiger attacked and bit a 14-year-old
girl on the cheek and neck as she was taking photos of four caged pet tigers. She
was hospitalized in guarded condition. All four tigers were killed on the site.
December 14, 2003/Millers Creek, North Carolina: A 10-year-old boy was killed by
his uncle’s 400-pound pet tiger as he shoveled snow near the tiger’s cage. The
tiger reached under the fence, dragged the boy into the cage, and inflicted at least
eight puncture wounds to his head, neck, and chest. The boy’s uncle shot and
killed the tiger.
December 9, 2003/Marion County, Kansas: A tiger was shot and killed after
escaping from Chris McDonald’s private menagerie and killing two dogs and a wolf.
The facility had recently been raided by officers who found evidence they were
operating a meth lab. Officers also discovered a number of animals were
malnourished and severely dehydrated. Days later, a sheriff killed a second tiger
when the animal became aggressive following the killing of his companion. In the
following weeks, the USDA confiscated 13 tigers, lions, and leopards.
November 11, 2003/Palm Desert, California: A zoo employee and a zoo visitor at
the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens were bitten by a cheetah who was being walked
on a leash through the park. The zoo visitor was holding a 2-year-old child on her
lap when the cheetah attacked her, biting her calf and thigh. The child was treated
for a head injury after she fell onto cement.
November 7, 2003/Rockwell, North Carolina: Steve Macaluso, owner of a private
menagerie called Charlotte Metro Zoo, was bitten on the neck by a leopard. Zoo
volunteers and employees reported that Macaluso needed dozens of stitches.
October 6, 2003/Golden Valley, Arizona: An employee at Keepers of the Wild Zoo
was bitten and dragged by a 450-pound tiger as she tried to pet him. She was
hospitalized for five days with four puncture wounds on her leg.
October 3, 2003/Las Vegas, Nevada: While walking a tiger across the stage on a
leash, Roy Horn of the Siegfried & Roy casino act was mauled and critically injured
by a tiger during a show. The tiger bit Horn on the right arm, then lunged at him,
bit him on the neck, and dragged him across the stage in front of more than 1,500
horrified tourists. Horn suffered bite wounds and massive blood loss. The 7-year-
old tiger had been performing in the show since he was 6 months old.
October 3, 2003/New York, New York: Police, along with animal control officers
and Bronx Zoo employees, confiscated a 500-pound pet tiger belonging to Antoine
Yates from a Harlem apartment. Yates was later arrested at a Philadelphia hospital
where he had fled for treatment of a deep bite wound to his right leg. At various
times, eight children had lived in the apartment where the tiger was kept.
August 21, 2003/Whetstone Township, Ohio: A chained 180-pound pet cougar
snapped his collar, escaped, and attacked a neighbor’s dog, causing more than 100
big cat incidents
“He was tore up. He
was a heck of a
Father of Ohio teenager
who was hospitalized
following an attack by a
neighbor’s escaped pet
August 12, 2003/St. Louis, Missouri: A cheetah at the St. Louis Zoo escaped from
an enclosure by going through a 12-foot wide moat and over a 12-foot high wall.
The animal walked among visitors before being recaptured.
July 3, 2003/La Crosse, Wisconsin: A tiger mauled circus trainer Bruno Blaszak in
front of 400 people during his show at a festival. The tiger charged at Blaszak,
knocked him down, and clawed him. His right leg required 30 to 40 stitches.
June 30, 2003/Calhan, Colorado: Two tigers severely mauled an employee of Big
Cats of Serenity Springs as he entered their cage. The employee was knocked
down by one tiger and suffered a mangled leg and scalp injuries. As a result, the
tigers were beaten with shovels and later killed.
June 23, 2003/Crossett, Arkansas: A firefighter visiting the Crossett Zoo suffered a
deep laceration and lost part of his thumb when he was bitten by a tiger.
June 14, 2003/Dodge City, Kansas: An adult tiger who was being exhibited by G.W.
Exotic Animal Foundation swiped at a young boy, tearing his pants. The tiger was
being used for photo ops with the public at the Village Square Mall.
June 2003/Mead, Washington: A Korean actor filed a negligence lawsuit against
Cat Tales Zoological Park, a roadside zoo and exotic animal training center, after
she was mauled by a white tiger during filming of a story about two of the facility’s
tigers. She suffered a cut on her forearm.
May 28, 2003/Nampa, Idaho: A toddler was jumped on by a 170-pound tiger at
For the Birds, a roadside zoo where visitors are allowed to pet tigers. Other zoo
visitors and employees have been jumped on and bitten by tigers.
April 6, 2003/San Antonio, Texas: A 350-pound lion from escaped from Wild
Animal Orphanage and roamed through a residential neighborhood for several
hours. An employee required hospital treatment for a fractured pelvic bone and
bruised rib when the lion charged and knocked her down as she attempted to
shoot the animal with a tranquilizer dart. The lion was tracked with a police
helicopter and shot and killed by four police officers armed with handguns and
April 2, 2003/Adair, Oklahoma: Several tigers belonging to the International
Wildlife Center of Texas and boarded at Safari Joe’s Rock Creek Exotic Animal Park
attacked and killed a volunteer handler. One of nine caged tigers grabbed and
pulled her arm into the cage as she was giving them water, and other tigers joined
in the attack. Another worker beat the tigers with a shovel to break up the attack.
The tiger severed her arm, causing a fatal loss of blood. The tigers were displayed
at fairs and used in photo ops with the public.
203,204, 205
big cat incidents
March 31, 2003/Hennepin, Illinois: A man was mauled to death by two tigers he
kept in a backyard menagerie as he entered their pen to shift them to another
enclosure. Police shot and killed both tigers in order to retrieve the body. This was
the second incident at the Second Nature Exotic Cats Sanctuary (see May 26,
2002/Hennepin, Illinois).
March 23, 2003/Sacramento, California: A keeper at the Sacramento Zoo was
hospitalized and treated for puncture wounds to his neck, right shoulder, and left
leg, as well as a laceration on his nose, after he was attacked by a 325-pound tiger
while he was preparing to feed the animal. A zoo volunteer beat the tiger on the
head with a shovel to stop the attack.
March 22, 2003/Red Wing, Minnesota: A 5-month-old, 40-pound tiger cub at
Grant Oly’s Tiger Zone grabbed and bit a pregnant woman on the wrist, causing a
puncture wound, and bit a 16-year-old girl. Police searching Oly’s premises found
guns, ammunition, and marijuana. The tiger was euthanized for rabies
February 4, 2003/Jacksonville, Florida: A 450-pound tiger, belonging to exhibitor
Mitchel Kalmanson, escaped from the UniverSoul Circus while the cage was being
cleaned. The tiger climbed over a car, jumped over a fence, headed down an alley,
frightened employees at a nearby restaurant, and was recaptured 10 minutes
January 24, 2003/Albert Lea, Minnesota: A malnourished tiger cub was seized
from a home in a residential neighborhood after school officials learned that
scratches and bite marks on a fifth-grade boy were caused by his father’s pet
January 8, 2003/Laurens, South Carolina: A 200-pound pet cougar was recaptured
in a residential neighborhood after he had escaped from a pen 5 miles away and
roamed freely for three days.
December 2002/Malibu Hills, California: Television star Elisha Cuthbert was
treated at a hospital for a deep puncture wound to the hand after she was bitten
by a cougar while shooting a scene for the TV show 24.
November 30, 2002/Leesburg, Virginia: Animal control was called to help
recapture an 80-pound tiger who escaped from a petting zoo and was on top of a
car in a parking lot.
November 4, 2002/Red Wing, Minnesota: A teenager reported to authorities that
tigers at Grant Oly’s Tiger Zone had bitten him and two adults.
October 28, 2002/Las Vegas, Nevada: Neighbors became frightened and alerted
animal control when they spotted two tiger cubs running loose on a neighbor’s
rooftop. The cubs had escaped from the homeowner’s private menagerie.
January 8, 2005/Cleveland
County, North Carolina: Two 6-
month-old injured tiger cubs,
weighing approximately 80 to 100
pounds each, were abandoned
and found wandering on the side
of a road.
big cat incidents
“We’re in fear of our
children’s safety.”
Neighbor of a Texas
man who had four pet
big cats escape in two
separate incidents
October 17, 2002/Southport, Florida: A 500-pound African lion pounced on,
dragged, and mauled his owner at a roadside zoo called 77 Zoological Park as the
owner stepped into the cage to pose for a photo with the animal. The lion ripped a
hole in his throat, pulled his right eye out of its socket, severed tendons in his neck
and chest, tore his skin, and bit through his flesh to the bone. The man nearly died
at the hospital where, after undergoing surgery, he spent weeks, including 11 days
in critical condition. He lost eighty percent of his eyesight and was expected to
need additional surgery to restore his vision.
October 11, 2002/Jackson, New Jersey: The 70-year-old husband of “tiger lady”
Joan Byron-Marasek was attacked by a 400-pound tiger at her controversial Tigers
Only Preservation Society (TOPS) as he was feeding the tigers. He suffered head
injuries, and his arm was nearly severed.
October 4, 2002/Leona, Texas: A man was severely mauled by a 400-pound tiger
at the Perrydise Exotic Animal Ranch when he stuck his arm in the feeding opening
of the cage to touch the animal, resulting in amputation of his arm just above the
September 28, 2002/Bloomington, Illinois: A 400-pound tiger was shot and killed
by police after he escaped from a trailer at a truck stop and hid in bushes near a
residential area for nine hours. Local police spent $9,000 attempting to recapture
the tiger. This same tiger mauled a 7-year-old girl earlier in the year (see May 26,
2002, Hennepin, Illinois).
September 22, 2002/Quitman, Arkansas: Four 600- to 800-pound African lions,
believed to have escaped from a nearby exotic animal farm, were shot and killed
after running loose for several days, terrifying residents.
September 20, 2002/Scotts Valley, California: A declawed 150-pound tiger, who
was being walked on a leash by Zoo to You at an assembly with 150 children at the
Baymonte Christian School, suddenly lunged at a 6-year-old boy and grabbed the
child by the head with her jaws. The boy was wrestled away from the tiger by the
principal and airlifted to a medical center where he received 55 stitches for two
cuts to his scalp. A psychologist gave counseling to the terrified children who
witnessed the attack.
July 25, 2002/Tacoma, Washington: A 4-year-old male clouded leopard jumped on
and scratched both arms of a handler at the Point Defiance Zoo during a behind-
the-scenes tour at the zoo. A small group of children was nearby. The woman had
to call for help to get the 43-pound cat under control and her wounds were
treated at a hospital. The same animal had scratched another handler’s leg 18 days
previously (see July 7, 2002/Tacoma, Washington).
July 7, 2002/Tacoma, Washington: A clouded leopard scratched the legs of a
handler at the Point Defiance Zoo.
big cat incidents
“We’ve had two
buyers that backed
out. He said there’s
no way that I want to
bring my family in
here with somebody
that has what he has
next door.”
New York contractor
who has not been able
to sell homes valued at
$438,000 after
prospective buyers
learn a resident has a
backyard menagerie of
five big cats
July 2002/Nampa, Idaho: A tiger being used in an exhibition injured a 12-year-old
child’s finger at For the Birds.
June 30, 2002/Lexington County, South Carolina: A Lexington County woman was
fined $465 for allowing her two 1½-year-old female African lions to run loose for
45 minutes. The resident also had two cougars, two bobcats, and a serval.
June 17, 2002/Red Wing, Minnesota: A tiger at Grant Oly’s Tiger Zone bit a
teenager on the arm, causing a puncture wound that required stitches.
May 26, 2002/Hennepin, Illinois: A 7-year-old girl was bitten on the forearm and
wrist and clawed on her upper arm by a tiger at a private menagerie as she
attempted to pet the animal. The girl required 110 stitches and three months of
physical therapy. The tiger’s owner was convicted of endangering a child.
May 12, 2002/Tampa, Florida: A 350-pound African lion at Busch Gardens ripped
off the arm of a zookeeper standing next to the lion’s cage while she was giving a
private tour to her family. The attack occurred shortly after the zookeeper had fed
the lion pieces of meat during training exercises. Surgeons were not able to
reattach the woman’s arm. The zookeeper filed a lawsuit seeking in excess of
$15,000 in damages.
April 21, 2002/Easley, South Carolina: A pet tiger was quarantined for biting an 8-
year-old boy in the leg after the tiger had been given a bath. The boy sustained
four puncture wounds. The tiger is normally kept in a metal cage in the
March 10, 2002/Red Wing, Minnesota: A tiger at Grant Oly’s Tiger Zone bit off a
portion of a 14-year-old boy’s finger.
March 9, 2002/Wynnewood, Oklahoma: A cougar suddenly bit Joe Schreibvogel,
director of the G.W. Exotic Animal Park, during feeding. The cougar reached out
from the cage, grabbed Schreibvogel’s sleeve, and began gnawing on his hand,
nearly severing his thumb and finger. The man received stitches on his wrist,
thumb, palm, and across the entire base of his index finger.
March 2, 2002/Strafford, Missouri: Two adult lions escaped from their cage at
Exotic Animal Paradise after an employee failed to secure the enclosure. One of
the lions was shot with three tranquilizer darts, failed to recover from the
sedation, and subsequently died.
February 15, 2002/Pahrump, Nevada: Animal exhibitor Karl Mitchell shot and
killed one of his tigers after the animal became frightened and escaped his control
while being moved to a new residence.
big cat incidents
“I heard a crunch. I
felt the left side of my
body go numb. I
thought he was going
to kill me. I never lost
consciousness. I wish
I had.
North Carolina man
who was mauled by a
captive cougar
February 2, 2002/Loxahatchee, Florida: A woman was hospitalized in critical
condition with a laceration on one side of her head and a skull fracture after she
was attacked and bitten by a 750-pound declawed tiger at Steve Sipek’s private
animal compound. The attack happened when the woman entered the tiger’s cage
to paint in preparation for a photo shoot.
February 1, 2002/Tampa, Florida: A leashed 200-pound tiger lurched toward a
young boy during a Busch Gardens “animal encounter” during which animals are
taken into the park to interact with the public.
January 24, 2002/Gentry, Arkansas: Two animal handlers at Wild Wilderness Drive
Thru Safari were attacked while transferring cougars between cages. One handler
received multiple bites on an arm and leg, and the other was bitten in the face.
December 29, 2001/Leona, Texas: A 6-year-old boy was taken to the emergency
room after being attacked by a tiger at the Perrydise Exotic Animal Ranch. The
child sustained severe lacerations to his face and hand when a tiger reached
through the cage and clawed him as he was photographing the animal.
November 2, 2001/Pahrump, Nevada: A man was severely injured by a tiger while
visiting a private residence. The man was bitten on the arm when he was allowed
to feed the animals and required more than $160,000 in medical care, including
reconstructive surgery. A lawsuit was filed against tiger owner Annette Grabowski
and her companion, Paul Mason, for negligence and against Nye County for failure
to take action despite a previous biting incident.
October 10, 2001/Lee County, Texas: A 3-year-old boy was killed by one of three
of a relative’s pet tigers as he was about to have his picture taken with the
animals. The 250-pound tiger snatched the boy from the arms of an adult, clamped
down on his leg, and dragged him around the enclosure, causing head injuries. The
tiger was beaten on the head until he released the boy’s foot.
August 19, 2001/Tonganoxie, Kansas: A woman was hospitalized after she was
bitten by a neighbor’s caged lion. The woman had been feeding a bear when the
lion reached out of a cage, grabbed and pulled her arm into the cage, and bit her
upper arm.
July 31, 2001/Center Hill, Florida: A 500-pound tiger attacked and killed a man
who was making cage repairs at a breeding compound called Savage Kingdom. The
tiger pushed through a hole in the fence, tackled the man and grabbed him by the
throat, killing him in an instant. The tiger was shot and killed so that rescue crews
could get to the victim’s body. The man’s widow filed a lawsuit against Robert
Baudy, the facility’s owner.
248,249, 250
big cat incidents
July 27, 2001/Racine, Minnesota: A 2-year-old, 400-pound white Siberian tiger
was destroyed for rabies tests after he bit a 7-year-old girl. The tiger had escaped
from a cage at a roadside zoo called B.E.A.R.C.A.T. Hollow and attacked the girl,
inflicting two puncture wounds that became infected. The tiger was stuffed and
June 25, 2001/Nashville, Tennessee: The Nashville Zoo was evacuated after
officials found a cheetah wandering outside of a pen. After being loose for ten
hours, the cheetah was shot with a tranquilizer dart and recaptured.
April 29, 2001/Oskaloosa, Kansas: A Jefferson County sheriff’s lieutenant shot and
killed an escaped tiger as the tiger crouched in an attack position. The 600-pound
tiger ran loose for an hour after fleeing while being unloaded at a private
menagerie called Gatekeepers Wildlife Sanctuary. The animal had twice tried to
attack a veterinarian when he was shot with a tranquilizer dart.
April 27, 2001/Oakwood, Ohio: The sheriff’s office warned residents to keep their
children and companion animals indoors after receiving several reports from
residents that an escaped lion had been sighted.
April 7, 2001/Van Buren County, Arkansas: Three tigers kept as pets escaped from
cages after having been moved by court order from a Faulkner County subdivision.
The tigers roamed for three hours before being recaptured, and one died after
being tranquilized. After the escape, the sheriff of Van Buren County stated that he
did not want the tigers in his county either.
April 2001/Omaha, Nebraska: Animal handler Bryan Franzen required stitches
after he was clawed by a tiger during a performance at the Tangier Shrine
March 25, 2001/Las Vegas, Nevada: A tiger with Safari Wildlife attacked and killed
his handler. The tiger put his paw on the man’s back, pushed him down, and bit his
throat. The handler died within minutes from loss of blood. The tiger was used for
photo ops with the public and had also appeared in numerous motion pictures and
advertisements. He was being groomed for a promotional advertisement when the
attack occurred. Another handler was hospitalized with injuries to his knees and
puncture wounds.
March 23, 2001/Morgan County, Missouri: An African lion escaped from his cage
at Wayne Oxford’s Ozark Nature Center while animals were being loaded for
transport. Terrified residents spent the next four days escorting children and
keeping companion animals indoors while dozens of police officers and
conservation agents searched for the animal. The lion was baited, trapped, and
recaptured. In a plea agreement, Oxford paid $5,000 in restitution, but taxpayers
were still required to pay $2,000 in veterinary care.
259,260, 261,262
November 8, 2003/Frisco, Texas:
A 4-month-old, 50-pound
declawed tiger cub was
abandoned and captured by police
after a motorist spotted the
animal roaming on the side of the
big cat incidents
“If this could happen
to my pet, then what
would happen if it
would be my
Florida woman after
her dog was killed by a
neighbor’s escaped pet
March 19, 2001/Olmsted Falls, Ohio: A worker spreading gravel in a tiger
enclosure at Burnette Farm was mauled and critically injured by a 500-pound tiger.
Owner Jim Burnette stopped the attack by hitting the tiger on the back of the head
with a shovel. The worker underwent surgery for bite wounds to his neck.
March 16, 2001/Witts Springs, Arkansas: A 400-pound tiger escaped from a
backyard menagerie by gnawing her way through the heavy steel enclosure. The
tiger was loose for three days, terrorizing residents and biting a dog, who was
subsequently treated for three large fang marks on each side of his neck.
Authorities from the Searcy County Sheriff’s Department, state police, the
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Buffalo
National River Park Service searched for the tiger, who continued to elude capture
after she was shot in the shoulder by an area resident. She was tranquilized and
recaptured after she was located in a thickly wooded area by a police
January 26, 2001/Las Vegas, Nevada: A pet cougar escaped from her pen and
hopped aboard a school bus. No children were on board at the time. The driver
fled from the bus, and animal control workers captured the animal.
December 19, 2000/Omaha, Nebraska: A 6-month-old cougar cub pounced at a
landlord who was checking on a rental home after the tenant was arrested for
armed robbery.
December 3, 2000/Morgan County, Missouri: Wayne Oxford, of Ozark Nature
Center, was charged with child endangerment after a cougar bolted from an
unlocked cage, killed a dog and six puppies, then ran into a house while a child was
inside. Witnesses locked the house’s front door, thinking no one was inside. The
boy inside the home ran into a bedroom and was later rescued through a
October 21, 2000/Gambier, Ohio: While participating in a “close encounter” at the
Siberian Tiger Foundation, a 10-year-old boy was knocked to the ground and bitten
on the leg by a tiger. He received stitches to his left thigh at a hospital emergency
room. This was the tenth incident in seven months of people being bitten or
otherwise injured by tigers at the facility.
September 10, 2000/Albuquerque, New Mexico: A tiger cub bit a man on the arm
during a photo op at the New Mexico State Fair.
August 26, 2000/Delmont, South Dakota: A 14-year-old boy was flown to a
hospital after being mauled by a tiger on his father’s farm. The teenager was
hospitalized for months with bite wounds to the leg, neck, and shoulder and spent
a month in intensive care.
August 16, 2000/Sapulpa, Oklahoma: One of two 11-month-old tigers broke loose
and frightened nearby children while they were being moved between cages at
Safari Joe’s.
big cat incidents
August 12, 2000/Boise, Idaho: A woman was mauled by a tiger at a fundraiser for
Zoo Boise after the cat escaped from an unlocked cage. She was hospitalized in
serious condition with a broken leg, puncture wounds, and a gunshot wound that
she received when police fired their guns to scare the tiger away.
July 2000/Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin: An employee at the Irvine Park Zoo in
Wisconsin was bitten by a cougar after she tried to pet him. The bite punctured
the skin and nicked the bone. The woman was hospitalized for three days.
June 6, 2000/Bloomington, Illinois: A man was treated for a 3-inch cut and
puncture wounds to his hand, inflicted by a snow leopard after he tried to pet the
animal at the Miller Park Zoo. A similar incident occurred at the same zoo in
September 1995 when a man suffered a 3½-inch gash to his hand when he
attempted to pet a leopard.
June 6, 2000/Harris County, Texas: Animal control officers spent three hours
searching for a pet tiger who had escaped from a backyard cage while the owners
were out of town. The tiger was tranquilized and recaptured.
May 21, 2000/Kiowa, Colorado: A tiger ripped off the arm of a volunteer at the
Prairie Wind Animal Refuge.
May 17, 2000/Brewster, Massachusetts: A 14-year-old girl suffered puncture
wounds to her leg during an attack by a 500-pound tiger at a roadside zoo called
Bassett Wild Animal Farm. She was rescued by two other workers and taken to the
hospital. The girl, a part-time employee at the zoo, was feeding the cat when he bit
her leg and shook her before releasing her.
March 15, 2000/Channelview, Texas: A 4-year-old boy had his arm torn off, mid-
bicep, by his uncle’s 400-pound pet tiger. Surgeons spent nine hours reattaching
the arm and within just five days the boy’s medical bills totaled $80,000. The boy’s
uncle, Larry Tidwell, was fined $500 for failing to have a permit for the tiger but
was allowed to keep the animal.
February 23, 2000/Great Bend, Kansas: A high school student was bitten on the
hand and arm after sticking her arm into a cougar’s cage at the Brit Spaugh Zoo.
2000/Jacksonville, Florida: An elderly woman was bitten on the arm by a tiger cub
belonging to Curtis LoGiudice, owner of the Catty Shack Ranch. In addition, a
trainer suffered 23 puncture wounds from a cougar, and another woman sued
LoGiudice after she was attacked by the same cougar.
December 2, 1999/Williamsville, Missouri: A 5-year-old boy required surgery after
he was mauled by a pet lion kept chained in a neighbor’s yard. The animal inflicted
puncture wounds to the boy’s throat and head. The lion was killed.
November 14, 2001/Detroit,
Michigan: A juvenile tiger who had
been beaten to death and dumped
in a field was found by local
big cat incidents
“We’ve been
concerned for the
safety of people in
this community.”
Neighbor of a
Tennessee man with a
big cat menagerie after
a 4-year-old boy was
mauled by a liger
November 18, 1999/Sedgwick County, Kansas: Two adult lions escaped from a
pen at a private menagerie with 10 big cats belonging to Ken Alvarez, killing a dog
on the property. Several county deputies spent hours assisting a caretaker in
returning the lions to the cages. Neighbors complained that big cats had escaped
twice before and that the facility’s perimeter fence had fallen in several places.
October 30, 1999/Buffalo, New York: A keeper at the Buffalo Zoo was pounced
on, bitten, and clawed by a clouded leopard when she entered the 10-foot square
cage for cleaning. The incident happened in front of about 30 visitors. She was
treated at a hospital for leg wounds.
October 20, 1999/Evansville, Indiana: A zookeeper at the Mesker Park Zoo was
mauled by a lion who severely injured his leg and arm.
June 26, 1999/Sterling, Kansas: A woman with a group of Boy Scouts visiting Safari
Zoological Park was attacked by a caged tiger when she put her hand on the cage.
The zoo owner beat the tiger on the head and tried unsuccessfully to pry the
animal’s mouth off the woman’s arm. The tiger abruptly let go, leaving the victim
with a dislocated shoulder, a broken right hand, a puncture wound, torn biceps,
severe cuts and other damage to the muscles in her arm.
June 6, 1999/Yorktown, Texas: A 10-year-old girl was killed when one of her
stepfather’s two pet tigers grabbed her by the neck and dragged her into a water
trough. The girl’s stepfather was sentenced to 10 years probation, fined $5,000,
and ordered to serve 800 hours of community service for recklessly causing serious
bodily injury to a child.
March 31, 1999/Tyler, Texas: A woman’s arm was nearly severed by a tiger at
Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge. A volunteer at the facility, she reached in to pet the
tiger, when he attacked. Doctors were unsure whether they would be able to save
her arm.
March 16, 1999/Colorado Springs, Colorado: A 6-year-old boy was severely
injured by a leopard at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo after he climbed over a rope
to get a closer look at the animal. The leopard grabbed the boy in her mouth and
clutched him with her paws through the fencing of her enclosure. Three months
earlier, a woman was scratched by a tiger at the zoo after sticking her hand into a
February 27, 1999/Fort Wayne, Indiana: A tiger mauled an employee of the Fort
Wayne Children’s Zoo while she was cleaning the cage, causing injuries to her
chest, neck and back.
January 27, 1999/Jackson Township, New Jersey: Police shot and killed a 431-
pound tiger who escaped from the Tigers Only Preservation Society and was found
11 miles away, wandering through a residential subdivision.
big cat incidents
Big cats are readily
available to unqualified
January 7, 1999/Wichita, Kansas: A 75-pound tiger cub attacked a 5-year-old child
at a private residence, causing a throat wound that required 20 stitches. The tiger
belonged to Safari Zoological Park, a roadside zoo that hauls animals around to
schools, festivals, store promotions, and private events. The tiger was killed the
next day. The incident was the third time in less than a year that an animal from
the park had been investigated for attacking someone.
1999/Jacksonville, Florida: A cougar from Curt LoGiudice’s Catty Shack Ranch bit a
19-month-old child.
November 21, 1998/Chicago, Illinois: A Ringling Bros. circus employee was
seriously mauled by a tiger used in the circus when three tigers escaped from their
cage in a Chicago parking lot. The tiger clawed the handler on his neck and side.
This was the second attack by tigers used by Ringling in one year. (see January 7,
1998/St. Petersburg, Florida).
November 18, 1998/Kaufman, Texas: A Texas man was attacked by his pet lion
and suffered serious injuries. The female lion jumped him from behind.
November 15, 1998/Chatham County, North Carolina: A cougar mauled a
volunteer with Carnivore Preservation Trust causing numerous bites and deep
November 13, 1998/Newberry, Florida: The same tiger who killed his trainer on
October 8, 1998, attacked and killed his owner. The woman was leading the tiger
to a pen when he lunged and bit her neck, killing her instantly. Authorities shot
and killed the tiger.
November 8, 1998/Cut and Shoot, Texas: Two pet tigers escaped their backyard
cage and attacked a dog and a pig before being shot dead by police after charging
pursuers. Security officers were posted at a local school while one tiger eluded
searchers for more than 30 hours. In 1997, a pet cougar kept by the same man
escaped and was never re-captured.
303,304, 305
October 8, 1998/Newberry, Florida: A nearly 400-pound tiger who was being
moved between pens attacked and killed his trainer at the Holiday’s Cat Dancer
facility. The tiger had been used in the operation’s traveling animal show and
featured in circuses, fairs, and other public venues. The tiger grabbed the trainer
by the throat.
September 2, 1998/Tampa, Florida: A volunteer at Wildlife on Easy Street needed
451 stitches after a leopard pulled her hand through the bars of a cage and latched
onto her arm with his teeth, removing skin from her elbow to her wrist.
big cat incidents
“Yes, I’m scared. I’m
still shaking.”
Texas deputy after
being forced to shoot
and kill an escaped
African lion who
charged a group of
people in a residential
August 22, 1998/Myakka City, Florida: A 520-pound tiger bit the hand of a 14-
year-old volunteer with Tiger Claw Productions. The bite stripped flesh and
tendons from her hand and required two surgeries to repair as well as long hours
of physical therapy. Following the attack, the girl was treated with anti-
depressants and visited a psychotherapist three times a week to deal with the
trauma. Due to mounting medical bills, the family’s truck was repossessed.
July 31, 1998/Vallejo, California: A woman getting her photo taken at Marine
World with a Bengal tiger was mauled and hospitalized with multiple cuts to her
neck and throat. A trainer trying to separate them was also injured.
July 30, 1998/Minot, North Dakota: A 5-year-old boy suffered facial cuts requiring
plastic surgery after being attacked by a 4-month-old tiger cub at a Bridgeport
Nature Center photo booth at the state fair.
May 2, 1998/Wylie, Texas: A pet cougar bit a 4-year-old boy on the leg. The boy
required $5,800 in medical care.
April 7, 1998/Charlotte, North Carolina: Two lions at the Charlotte Metro Zoo
attacked a keeper, one biting him on the leg while the other took the man’s head
in his mouth. The keeper suffered deep puncture wounds to his head and leg. He
had to be airlifted to a trauma center.
April 1, 1998/Arkansas: A 300-pound tiger attacked a worker at a breeding
compound, inflicting deep gashes into his neck and right arm.
Spring 1998/Wichita, Kansas: A tiger from Safari Zoological Park scratched or bit
an adult while the animal was appearing at a store’s promotional event.
February 10, 1998/Lincolnton, North Carolina: A 150-pound leopard nearly killed
his trainer after attacking her at a Royal Palace Circus performance in North
Carolina. The trainer suffered injuries requiring reconstructive surgery and
hospitalization for a week.
January 7, 1998/St. Petersburg, Florida: A trainer with the Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey Circus suffered severe head wounds after a tiger grabbed him by
the head during a training session in preparation for a publicity shoot. Richard
Chipperfield was hospitalized in critical condition and required extensive surgery.
The trainer’s brother shot the tiger five times with a 12-gauge shot gun after the
animal had been returned to a transport cage, killing him.
1998/Harris County, Texas: A 4-year-old girl was mauled by a Bridgeport Nature
Center tiger during photo ops at a county fair. The girl required stitches and
$17,000 in plastic surgery to her leg. The girl’s family filed a lawsuit against
October 22, 1997/Calabasas, California: The same jaguar who attacked a trainer
on October 16, 1997, attacked another trainer who suffered bite wounds on his leg
and a cut to his hand on a movie set.
big cat incidents
October 16, 1997/Calabasas, California: A trainer on a movie set in California was
airlifted to a hospital where she underwent surgery to repair a broken ankle after
being attacked by a jaguar. She was expected to remain hospitalized for several
August 17, 1997/Marshfield, Massachusetts: A 13-year-old girl was rushed to the
emergency room after being bitten on the hand by a Bridgeport Nature Center
tiger during a photo session in Massachusetts. The exhibitor left the state before
authorities could quarantine the tiger. The girl had to undergo painful rabies
treatment. The Marshfield Mass. Animal Control Department reported “several”
other bites associated with this photo booth.
June 7, 1997/Scappoose, Oregon: A woman suffered deep puncture wounds to
the neck and post-traumatic stress disorder when she was attacked by a
neighbor’s pet leopard. The woman filed a lawsuit against the leopard’s owner
after her medical bills went unpaid, despite assurances that his insurance would
cover it.
May 8, 1997/Lubbock, Texas: One of five pet tigers mauled his owner. The man
was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. The owner’s son killed the
May 7, 1997/Carrollton, Pennsylvania: A 400-pound tiger used in the Franzen
Bros. Circus killed 50-year-old Wayne Franzen in front of 200 horrified
schoolchildren. The tiger pounced on him when he turned his back, grabbed him
by the neck, and dragged him around the circus ring.
May 4, 1997/Knox County, Tennessee: A liger (tiger-lion hybrid) reached under a
fence of his 8-foot by 12-foot cage, grabbed a 4-year-old boy with his claw, and
pulled him toward the cage at Joe Robinson’s roadside menagerie. Emergency
personnel took the boy to a medical center for treatment of lacerations to his leg
and buttock.
April 29, 1997/Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: A leopard escaped from his cage and
killed a woman who was visiting her son at the Oakhill Center for Rare and
Endangered Species. Sheriff’s deputies shot and killed the leopard seven hours
later when he was found along a road after dark.
April 27, 1997/San Antonio, Texas: A man reportedly lost his finger and his friend
was injured when they broke into Wild Animal Orphanage and tried to pet a
March 19, 1997/Orlando, Florida: A tiger escaped from a cage and mauled a
keeper when a safety gate was left open at Savage Kingdom, the breeding
compound owned by Robert Baudy. The keeper suffered a broken thigh, crushed
knee, and severed arteries and veins in his leg. Authorities shot and killed the tiger
when the animal made its way into an enclosure surrounded by a fence that was
low enough for the animal to jump.
June 5, 2000/Greenfield,
Wisconsin: Police seized a
leopard, a cougar, and dozens of
other exotic mammals and
reptiles from the apartment of a
22-year-old man. The animals
were living in cramped and poorly
ventilated conditions.
big cat incidents
“One of the trainers
… just started
punching the tiger in
the forehead to get
him to let go of the
boy’s leg. That didn’t
seem to work.”
Witness describing a
tiger attacking a 10-
year-old Ohio boy
March 18, 1997/San Antonio, Texas: A 300-pound tiger climbed a 10-foot fence
and escaped from Wild Animal Orphanage, killing a duck and an ostrich, wounding
a llama, and pawing a sheriff’s deputy before being tranquilized and
March 12, 1997/Caldwell, Texas: A 13-year-old boy was hospitalized for a week
after he was attacked by a pet tiger and a lion kept in a cage built into the side of
his grandfather’s house. The boy’s father said, “My boy was not mauled, he was
being eaten alive.”
1997/Kirbyville, Texas: A tiger bit two fingers off the left hand of Monique
Woodard, owner of the Exotic Cat Refuge and Wildlife Orphanage. Doctors were
able to reattach one of the fingers.
December 21, 1996/Brooklyn Park, Minnesota: Three pet-supply store workers
were bitten or scratched by a 7-month-old tiger who had been brought to the
store to have his picture taken. The three workers agreed to receive rabies
October 8, 1996/Las Vegas, Nevada: A Las Vegas animal trainer had to undergo
surgery on his feet and legs after being mauled by a tiger at Keepers of the Wild.
September 16, 1996/Crystal Beach, Texas: A declawed pet lioness died after she
was shot and tranquilized by a deputy. The lioness attacked a man after a burglar
had apparently set her free.
July 18, 1996/Middletown, New York: A white tiger from Hawthorn Corporation
bit the hand of a carnival worker while performing at the Orange County Fair.
May 7, 1996/Midlothian, Texas: A 6-year-old girl suffered severe injuries to her
head, neck, arms, back, and legs in an attack by a tiger, one of seven big cats at a
private menagerie. Her mother was bitten as she tried to stop the attack. During
the investigation it was found that these same cats had been involved in three
previous documented attacks. The animals were seized and tiger’s owner pleaded
guilty to charges of child endangerment and was placed on probation.
January 5, 1996/Vallejo, California: One trainer at Marine World Africa was
seriously hurt and another received minor injuries when they were attacked by
two cougars as they prepared to take the cougars for a walk.
1996/Pomona, California: A lion displayed by Safari Wildlife got loose and roamed
around the Los Angeles County fairgrounds before being recaptured.
December 26, 1995/Quinlan, Texas: A 3-year-old toddler was mauled by his
family’s pet cougar. His 6-year-old sister suffered minor injuries in the attack. The
cougar was shot and killed.
December 18, 1995/Fort Worth, Texas: A 300-pound tiger at the Fort Worth Zoo
leaped an 11-foot-wide moat and attacked a zookeeper. The keeper was bitten on
the shoulder, arm, and hand and was off work for several weeks.
big cat incidents
“I don’t appreciate
lions living next door
to me.”
Neighbor of a private
menagerie in Michigan
after a woman was
killed by a pet lion
November 23, 1995/Wake County, North Carolina: A declawed, 350-pound pet
Bengal tiger mauled and critically injured a 3-year-old boy while his father was
walking the animal on a leash. The tiger bit his face, crushing his skull and exposing
his brain. A five-person medical team worked on the boy’s head and face for 14
hours. He was left permanently blind by the incident. The tiger was shot and killed.
The boy’s father was convicted of misdemeanor child abuse.
November 13, 1995/Memphis, Tennessee: Two Sumatran tigers mauled a man
who entered their enclosure at the Memphis Zoo.
November 2, 1995/Washington, D.C.: House Speaker Newt Gingrich was bitten on
the chin by a baby cougar he was holding and who had been brought to the Capitol
by Jack Hanna.
October 29, 1995/Allegan County, Michigan: While her 9-year-old daughter
watched in horror, a woman was attacked and killed by a 200-pound declawed pet
lion after she entered her cage at the home of a friend who collected exotic
animals. The friend was seriously injured when he tried to stop the attack and was
flown to a Kalamazoo hospital with neck bites.
September 30, 1995/Indianapolis, Indiana: A lion being used by Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey Circus bit off the index finger of a woman who put her hand in his
cage kept in a staging area.
September 27, 1995/Lava Hot Springs, Idaho: Nineteen African lions at Ligertown
Game Farm were tracked, shot, and killed over a 12-hour period after escaping
from flimsy, filthy cages. Another 27 big cats were seized. Ligertown’s two owners
were treated at a hospital for minor injuries. The whole operation cost more than
$1 million.
September 18, 1995/Haysville, Kansas: A man shot and killed an African lion he
found pacing on his driveway after the lion had escaped from a neighbor’s pen.
September 18, 1995/Wesley, Kansas: A 2-year-old boy required hospital
treatment for a severe bite on his ear from the family’s 4-month-old cougar.
September 17, 1995/Wichita, Kansas: A cougar who had escaped and been on the
loose for a week was recaptured.
September 1995/Bloomington, Illinois: A man suffered a 3½-inch gash to his hand
when he attempted to pet a leopard at the Miller Park Zoo.
August 6, 1995/Phoenix, Arizona: A cougar at the Phoenix Zoo bit a 3-inch chunk
from the arm of a 5-year old boy after he wandered too close to the animal’s cage.
The boy was taken to a hospital where the wound on his arm was stitched closed
and he received treatment for scratches on the side of his chest.
big cat incidents
“The bone is
Distraught volunteer at
a Texas zoo on a 911
call while a cougar is
biting her arm
June 2, 1995/Queens, New York: A 2-year-old boy was bitten by his neighbor’s pet
cougar cub when he reached through a barred window to pet the animal. The 9-
month-old cougar nearly severed one of the boy’s fingers, which was reattached at
the hospital.
May 28, 1995/Novi, Michigan: Three lions and and four tigers toppled onto a
freeway when the 6-foot by 12-foot trailer they were in came unhitched. An 11-
month old tiger bolted into a wooded area, leading police on a four-hour chase
that included a helicopter search and foot patrols. The animals were en route to a
Home Depot for photo ops with the public.
March 5, 1995/Washington, D.C.: A woman was fatally mauled by lions after
climbing into an enclosure at the National Zoo. The body was so battered and
shredded so violently that her fingerprints were gone and her face
December 29, 1994/Scottsbluff, Nebraska: A zookeeper at the Riverside Zoo was
attacked by a 140-pound leopard who sunk his teeth into the woman’s throat. The
victim sustained injuries to her face and chest and required surgery to repair her
October 11, 1994/San Diego, California: San Diego Zoo animal trainer Joan
Embery suffered two deep gashes on her face from a cheetah she was exhibiting
on a television talk show.
June 18, 1994/Columbia, South Carolina: A 17-year-old worker was hospitalized
with bite wounds to his head, neck and legs after he was mauled by a 600-pound
tiger while cleaning the animal’s cage at Taylor’s Exotics animal farm. The tiger was
killed for rabies testing.
June 7, 1994/Miami, Florida: A senior zookeeper with 20 years’ experience was
mauled and killed by a 350-pound tiger at Miami Metrozoo while preparing to
move the animal in to the public viewing area.
April 5, 1994/Jackson, Mississippi: An 80-pound cheetah scaled an 8-foot fence
and pounced on an 8-year-old boy at the Jackson Zoo. The boy was scratched and
nipped before the cheetah was recaptured.
March 22, 1994/Beech Grove, Arkansas: A 150-pound declawed pet cougar
escaped and attacked a 71-year-old year neighbor, inflicting deep bite wounds to
the man’s shoulder and arm.
March 1994/Leon, Kansas: An 11-year-old girl was bitten by a 143-pound African
lioness, the same animal who attacked a boy a month earlier. The lioness was
February 1994/Leon, Kansas: An 11-year-old boy was bitten by a lion who he was
told was tame.
big cat incidents
“We don’t want
people to feel what
we’re having to.
Grandmother of a 17-
year-old Kansas girl,
advocating stronger
laws after her
granddaughter was
killed while posing with
a tiger for her senior
December 12, 1993/Palm Beach, Florida: A worker at Lion Country Safari who was
attacked by a 450-pound lion sustained crushed ribs, collapsed lungs, a torn scalp,
a severed neck vein, and more than 20 puncture wounds.
September 14, 1993/Joplin, Missouri: A circus employee lost part of her arm after
an attack by a tiger on the circus’ animal farm. Doctors had to amputate her arm
below the elbow.
August 9, 1993/Georgetown, Ohio: A teenage boy was hospitalized with facial
cuts when he was attacked by a lion while walking in a field near his home with his
brother and two friends. The pet lion had escaped from a cage at a nearby farm.
His older brother hit the lion several times to stop the attack. The lion was shot
and killed by sheriff’s deputies.
May 6, 1993/Las Vegas, Nevada: A keeper feeding a trio of lions in the backyard of
a Las Vegas residence was hospitalized after one of the cats attacked her. The
victim, a member of the Fercos performing family, suffered five gouges to her leg.
During an April performance, another employee was bitten by a lion.
May 6, 1993/Bronx, New York: A man with a history of mental instability was
mauled by two lions at the Bronx Zoo after he climbed into their cage and received
19 stitches to his head and face.
April 17, 1993/Little Rock, Arkansas: A tiger performing with the Shrine Circus at
the Barton Coliseum escaped, ran into the audience, and bit a 13-year-old girl. The
tiger was owned and trained by Jordan Circus.
February 24, 1993/Norfolk, Virginia: Graham Chipperfield, a Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey Circus big cat trainer, was mauled by a lion while breaking up a
fight between two other lions.
February 3, 1993/Wichita, Kansas: A keeper was hospitalized in serious condition
with wounds to his face and neck after being mauled by a Bengal tiger at
Tanganyika Wildlife Company. The tiger lunged through the open door of a cage
and attacked when the keeper bent down to pick up something. A second keeper
attempted to beat the tiger away with a shovel and then shot and killed the
November 29, 1992/Pahrump, Nevada: A man was severely bitten by a 750-
pound tiger owned by animal trainer Alex Pasternak. The injured man shot and
wounded the tiger in the hip in order to get the animal to release his grip. The
victim was taken to the hospital where he received 35 stitches in his right arm.
September 27, 1992/Reno, Nevada: A Reno illusionist underwent surgery after
suffering “bone-deep” bite wounds to his leg and arm by a 250-pound tiger being
used in a performance.
big cat incidents
“The first one
grabbed her and the
rest of them joined
County deputy
describing a volunteer
who was mauled to
death by tigers at a
roadside zoo in
May 20, 1992/Muhlenberg Township, Pennsylvania: Two tigers with Clyde Beatty-
Cole Bros. Circus escaped from an unlocked cage during a performance. One tiger
roamed around the center ring, frightening 2,000 spectators before he was
April 7, 1992/Iron Hill, Delaware: One of two cougars owned by a private breeder
jumped 12 feet across an enclosure and attacked a woman removing a food dish,
clamping his teeth into the back of her neck and dragging her farther into the cage.
The cougar had the woman pinned for at least three minutes while the cat’s owner
kicked and punched at the animal. The woman sustained bites on the head, neck,
and upper back. The breeder said he would sell the two animals and possibly
replace them with a cub.
March 22, 1992/Portland, Oregon: A pet liger (lion-tiger hybrid) attacked an 11-
year-old girl who had to undergo surgery to repair extensive muscle damage in her
arm. The animal would not let go of the girl and had to be shot and killed.
October 9, 1991/Manchester, New Hampshire: A model was hospitalized for five
days and received 56 stitches and rabies shots after being attacked by a 550-pound
lion during a photo session. The lion, who was secured by a U-bolt and chain,
pulled the model to him and grabbed her head in his mouth, inflicting wounds to
her back and head. The woman was awarded $75,000 in damages against both the
photographer and Bahgavan Antle, who supplied the lion.
September 29, 1991/Jackson County, Kansas: A caged lion bit a man on the hand
causing puncture wounds that required stitches after the man attempted to pet
the lion at a Christmas tree farm.
September 17, 1991/Tucson, Arizona: A lion cub bit the arm of a 3-year-old girl at
the Reid Park Zoo.
August 17, 1991/Fresno, California: A lion with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
Circus bit a man who tried to pet the caged lion.
June 1, 1991/Anderson County, South Carolina: A 250-pound pet lion escaped
from a backyard chain-link fenced enclosure, burst into a mobile home, and
attacked a 5-year-old girl and her grandmother. The girl’s father wrestled with the
lion until the owner, Tony Allen, arrived and returned the lion to her cage. The girl
required stitches for wounds to her neck and chest. Allen, who later shot and
killed the lion, had recently obtained a USDA license to skirt a county ordinance
prohibiting wild animals as pets.
April 18, 1991/Wilkesboro, North Carolina: A 3-year-old girl required stitches after
she was attacked by a leopard traveling with the Great American Circus.
November 5, 1990/Phoenix, Arizona: A woman visiting a Phoenix resort was
attacked by a 450-pound tiger while his trainer was walking him on a leash.
Witnesses reported that the tiger acted like a “pussycat” only moments before the
attack. The woman was hospitalized with severe puncture wounds.
big cat incidents
“They’re predators
and they look at a
little child as prey.”
Zoo manager
commenting about a
10-year-old Ohio girl
who was attacked by a
neighbor’s pet cougar
August 9, 1990/Sturgis, South Dakota: A 5-year-old girl was mauled by a 175-
pound leopard who was restrained by a small chain on a box in Engessor’s
Endangered Species traveling act. She was treated at a hospital for puncture
wounds to her arm and back and claw marks on her back. The girl’s mother sued
for $100,000 in damages.
June 18, 1990/Sidney, Montana: A 7-year-old boy was bitten by a leopard with a
traveling zoo when the owner removed the animal from a cage so members of the
public could pet her.
May 29, 1990/San Francisco, California: A zookeeper was mauled by a leopard in
front of school children at a San Francisco zoo. The keeper underwent surgery for
deep wounds to his head, shoulders, and arm.
Pet cougar bites caseworker, perplexing police,Columbus Dispatch, June 27, 2012.
Pataskala womans pet mountain lion bites state worker,WBNS-TV, June 27, 2012.
Katie Maassen, Gator Rons pet cougar escapes cage, kills dog,WTSP, June 5, 2012.
Armen Keteyian, Alleged abuse at GW Exotic Animal Park seen on tape,CBS News, May 16, 2012.
Outbreak fears as monkey remains on the loose in Ohio after animal park owner dies,Herald Sun, October 20, 2011.
Officials try to contain exotic animals after property owner found dead,Zanesville Times Recorder, October 19, 2011.
Audrie Palmer, Mountain Lion Mauls Boy,Midland Reporter-Telegram, October 17, 2011.
Ben Russell, Tiger attacks wildlife park employee,CBS 21 News, August 11, 2011.
Mike Kilen, Rural zoo where tiger attacked keeper is like storybook scene,Des Moines Register, August 4, 2011.
Brian New and James Muoz, Cougar caged after escape from northwest-side sanctuary,KENS, November 19, 2010.
Patricia Simms, Man severely bitten by tiger at Rock Springs big cat rescue facility,Wisconsin State Journal, October 22, 2010.
Indiana Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement, Incident Report, Log #03-10-01077, October 2, 2010.
Jeff Goldman, Essex County Turtle Back Zoo orders lockdown after leopard eludes keepers,The Star-Ledger, September 05, 2010.
Trainer bitten in MGM Grand lion habitat,Associated Press, September 2, 2010.
MGM defends safety practices after lion attack caught on tape,CNN, September 8, 2010.
Laura Figueroa and Christine Dolen, Small ape triggered tiger escape at Jungle Island,Miami Herald, August 30, 2010.
Toddler comes face to face with escaped Bengal tiger in Miami Zoo,Daily Mail, September 1, 2010.
Tiger Cub Gets Out Of Cage During Training Exercise,WSOC-TV, April 23, 2010.
Parents Release Photo After Tiger Breaks Out of Cage,WSOC-TV, April 26, 2010.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Settlement Agreement Case #NC10052-AC, February 20, 2011.
Bemidji Neighbors on Animal Park Escapees: First Kangaroo, Then Lions, Whats Next?,KSAX-TV, April 17, 2010.
Mountain lion sightings reported in Ohio,Port Clinton News Herald, May 28, 2010.
Jane Musgrave, Jaguar tears off thumb of visitor to Panther Ridge Conservation Center,Palm Beach Post, March 5, 2010.
Metroparks Zoo: Leopard briefly escapes from exhibit,Mansfield News Journal, October 10, 2009.
Tiger escapes magic act, ends up on Vegas streets,Associated Press, July 31, 2009.
Tiger owner says escape an accident,Las Vegas Now, July 31, 2009.
Pet Mountain Lion Bites Girl,WTOV-TV, May 26, 2009.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #31-C-0133, May 28, 2009.
Cayle Thompson, Mt. Lion Killed After Escape At Great Bend Zoo,KAKE-TV, May 25, 2009.
Zoo: human error set up tiger bite,WZTV, May 27, 2009.
Alexis Brito, Cougar on the loose in Osceola County,WOFL, May 4, 2009.
Man bitten by tiger at sanctuary east of Springs,Daily Sentinel, April 24, 2009.
Man bitten by tiger at Serenity Springs,KKTV, April 24, 2009.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #58-C-0002, April 23, 2009.
Lion mauls man at animal refuge; no charges expected,Associated Press, February 27, 2009.
Joel Fulton and Carol Bicak, Tiger bites Omaha zoo veterinarian,World-Herald, February 11, 2009.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, (amended), License #64-C-0185, February 18, 2009.
Email communication with victims mother dated February 2009 to February 2010.
Sherry Greenfield and Jeremy Hauck, Thurmont zookeeper remains in critical condition,, January 22, 2009.
USDA faults worker and Catoctin zoo for jaguar attack,Associated Press, February 24, 2009.
Irene Van Winkle, Pet tiger escapes, prowls Ingram area before capture,West Kerr Current, January 22, 2009.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #93-C-0113, January 8, 2009.
big cat incidents
Norm Clarke, Lion handler gets bitten at MGM,Las Vegas Review-Journal, December 12, 2008.
Holly Abrams and Joyce McCartney, Tiger on loose from sanctuary in Albion,Journal Gazette, December 9, 2008.
Pet Bengal tiger killed after escaping from home,Pet Pulse, December 3, 2008.
Justin D. Anderson, Exotic animal farm owner says he had to shoot tiger,Charleston Daily Mail, December 2, 2008.
Tom Mitchell, Tiger Attacks Guide At Zoo; Animal Bites Hand Of 16-Year-Old Girl,Daily News Record, November 18, 2008.
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational & Safety Health Administration report, Number 312637879, May 7, 2009.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #52-C-0012, November 21, 2008.
Jose Pagliery, Jennifer Lebovich, and Kirsten Maguire, Cougar mauls 16-year-old girl,Miami Herald, November 15, 2008.
Jennifer Lebovich and Luisa Yanez, Teen mauled by cougar in North Miami-Dade to recover fully,Miami Herald, November 16, 2008.
Cheetahs on plane: Animal gets loose in cargo hold,Associated Press, October 31, 2008.
Large Cat Attacks Handler,, October 29, 2008.
Volunteer critically injured by large cat at Broken Arrow sanctuary,KJRH, October 29, 2008.
Mauling victim dies,KJRH, October 31, 2008.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #64-C-0182, September 18, 2008.
Tiger captured after escape from Fla. sanctuary,Associated Press, August 20, 2008.
Jerome Burdi and Peter Franceschina, Missing tiger, lion found at McCarthys in western Palm Beach County,Sun-Sentinel, August 20, 2008.
Steve Timko, 2 leopards seized from homes roof,Reno Gazette-Journal, August 20, 2008.
Carolyn Starks and Jeff Long, From his hospital bed, man dismisses tiger attack as not a big deal; He suffered puncture wounds in Tuesday attack,
Chicago Tribune, August 7, 2008.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Investigation/inspection summary, Memo:Animal Welfare Complaint - Complaint #08-219 - Hawthorn Corp - 33-C-0053,
August 18, 2008.
Juliana Goodwin, 16-year-old critically injured in three-tiger attack; Animal park employee attacked after entering cage,Springfield News-Leader, August
5, 2008.
Reeds Spring teens family sues over tiger attack,Associated Press, March 28, 2009.
Michael Munz, Tiger attacks volunteer at area animal farm,St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 4, 2008.
Charlie Denn, Owner: Wesa-A-Geh-Ya Will Close,Missourian, August 7, 2008.
African lion loose in eastern El Paso County,KMGH, July 14, 2008.
Sarah Rice, Potawatomi Zoo visitors shocked by leopard attack,WSBT, May 24, 2008.
Christy Arboscello, Handler hospitalized after lioness attacks him at Detroit Zoo,Detroit Free Press, May 25, 2008.
Jeff Lehr, Deputy kills jaguar … or leopard,Joplin Globe, May 21, 2008.
Toledo Zoo keeper injured by female tiger,Toledo Blade, May 12, 2008.
Rochelle E.B. Gilken, Tiger bites Loxahatchee wildlife trainer during rappers video shoot,Palm Beach Post, May 13, 2008.
Trainer recovering after tiger bites him at rap video shoot,Miami Herald, May 14, 2008.
Charles Passy, Cheetah mauling victim: I was their toy’,” Palm Beach Post, March 31, 2008.
Jane Musgrave, Cheetahs maul caretaker,Palm Beach Post, March 29, 2008.
Panther Attack Worries Northwest Residents,Las Vegas Now, March 24, 2008.
Lynda Arakawa, Zoo plans precautions after tiger escape,Honolulu Advertiser, February 23, 2008.
Tiger at Palm Beach Zoo nips, hospitalizes worker during feeding,Sun-Sentinel, February 11, 2008.
Sonja Isger, Zookeepers finger nipped by Mata the tiger,Palm Beach Post, February 11, 2008.
Shoshana Walter, Tiger claws volunteer at Davenport Sanctuary,The Ledger, February 9, 2008.
Amy Johnston, Volunteer bitten by mountain lion at Bastrop County zoo,KVUE News, January 23, 2008.
Mark Gomez, Snow leopard at San Francisco Zoo forces opening in enclosure,Mercury News, January 11, 2008.
Escaped cougars captured,Herald Times Reporter, December 27, 2007.
Jordan Robertson, Zoo officials probe killing by tiger,Associated Press, December 26, 2007.
Richard Winton, Tiger mauls caretaker at actressanimal sanctuary,Los Angeles Times, December 4, 2007.
Jim Salter, Cheetah Cub Briefly Escapes Zoo Exhibit,Associated Press, November 20, 2007.
Escaped lion chases cars in Columbus,WTOL, November 23, 2007.
Lions owner cited for failure to confine the animal,Associated Press, November 30, 2007.
NEWS AT 5, FOX 5 KVVU-NV, November 23, 2007.
Tom Alex, Escaped pet tiger mauls dog, is shot by deputy,Des Moines Register, November 16, 2007.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Inspection Report, Brian Turner, dba Running Wild, License #88-C-0158, October 10, 2007.
Tiger Mauls San Antonio Zookeeper; Victim in Critical Condition After Airlift to Hospital, but Expected to Survive,ABC News, July 15, 2007.
Zookeeper Attacked By Tiger Forgot To Close Gates,KWTX, July 18, 2007.
Armando Rios, Cougars rescued in Marion County,The Baxter Bulletin, July 7, 2007.
Ted Czech, Escaped cougar returns,Daily Record, May 4, 2007.
Jaguar kills zookeeper at Denver Zoo,ITV, February 25, 2007.
Dan Elliott, Jaguar mauling revives zoo debate,Associated Press, February 28, 2007.
Jaguar mauls to death Denver Zoo employee,WLTX-TV, February 26, 2007.
City of San Angelo, Animal Bite Report, January 21, 2007.
Cougar escapes enclosure at animal preserve,Indianapolis Star, January 8, 2007.
Some want rules for exotic cat center,Indianapolis Star, March 31, 2007.
big cat incidents
Amy Johnston, Volunteer bitten by mountain lion at Bastrop County zoo,KVUE News, January 23, 2008.
Tiger mauls zoo trainer,Associated Press, December 22, 2006.
Chuck Squatriglia, Zoo closes Lion House after mauling,San Francisco Chronicle, December 24, 2006.
Patricia Yollin, Horrified zoogoer recalls tiger attack,San Francisco Chronicle, January 1, 2007.
Debbi Wilgoren, Asia Trail exhibit closed after Clouded leopard Stretches its legs a little too far,Washington Post, December 23, 2006.
Jimmy Nesbitt, Young tiger claws trainer during circus,Courier & Press, November 28, 2006.
White Tops, January/February 2007, p.61.
Girl mauled by a captive cougar at birthday party,WJLA, December 8, 2006.
Amy Sowder, Cougarsfreedom short-lived,Pensacola News Journal, November, 15, 2006.
The Zoo has cat troubles,Emerald Coast, November 15, 2006.
Fawn Roark, Woman Injured After Placing Arm In Leopards Pen,Mountain Times, October 19, 2006.
Monte Mitchell, New River Zoo closed over inquiry into a leopard bite; Woman says the owner encouraged her to cross a fence to pet the animal,
Winston-Salem Journal, October 28, 2006.
Bob Downing and Gina Mace, Vet has close call with tiger; Inspectors arm freed from animals mouth at Summit County farm,Beacon Journal, October
25, 2006.
Katherine Rosenberg, Big cat goes on walk-about in zoo,Daily Press, October 7, 2006.
Ben Montgomery, Tiger swats its owner inside cage,St. Petersburg Times, September 13, 2006.
S. I. Rosenbaum, Thrill of training tigers runs in his blood,St. Petersburg Times, September 22, 2006.
Justin George, Loose tiger killed at zoo,St. Petersburg Times, August 22, 2006.
Tiger Scratches 4-year-old Boy,WXXA-TV, July 18, 2006.
Kevin Goodwin, Boy doing fine after tiger gets wild,Record, July 20, 2006.
Don Lehman, Some escaped Ohio zoo animals used to prowl in Greenwich,Post Star, October 20, 2011.
Deborah Takahara, Man survives Kaufman County tiger attack,KTVT, June 20, 2006.
Jim Getz, Man mauled by tiger remains hospitalized,Dallas Morning News, June 20, 2006.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #74-C-0426, July 20, 2006.
Ky Plaskon, Tiger attacks woman at nearby animal sanctuary,KLAS-TV, May 18, 2006.
Tiger was 100 pounds underweight at time of brutal attack,Associated Press, April 11, 2006.
Cheetah escapes at San Antonio Zoo,WOAI, February 25, 2006.
Zoo worker attacked at the Birmingham Zoo,WSFA-TV, February 15, 2006.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, Pre-License Inspection #2, February 6, 2006.
Martin E. Comas, PETA seeks inquiry into cougars strangulation,Orlando Sentinel, January 27, 2006.
Bonnie Naumann, Tiger escape ends well for tabby,Post-Star, November 16, 2005.
Breaking News: Loose tiger found, tranquilized,Post-Star, November 16, 2005.
Zookeeper bitten by tiger in Duluth,Associated Press, October 7, 2005.
Erik Olson, Boy bitten by tiger,Chronicle, October 1, 2005.
Dakotah M. Davis, Udall couple mourns loss of grandchild mauled by a tiger,Winfield Daily Courier, August 20, 2005.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Incident Report, Peoria, Illinois, July 8, 2005.
Brandon Coutre, Lawsuit triggered by tiger attack,Northwest Herald, June 14, 2007.
Robert Franklin and Richard Meryhew, Boy, 10, critically hurt by lion, tiger; The attack near Little Falls comes on the heels of several others in the state,
Star Tribune, June 24, 2005.
Boy Attacked By Tiger And Lion Now A Quadriplegic,Associated Press, June 29, 2005.
Brandon Stahl, Lion owner: Someone let my cat loose,Daily Journal, June 14, 2005.
Tim Rausch, Big cat attack prompts board look at regs,Lima News, July 9, 2005.
Tiger Attack Victim Expected to Survive,KARE11, April 29, 2005.
Bail Set For Tiger Owner,WCCO, April 29, 2005.
Richard Meryhew, Frontenac tiger-bite victim to get rabies shots,Star Tribune, May 3, 2005.
Judge: Oly Cant Keep Animals During Tiger Case,WCCO, June 3, 2005.
Dave Olson, Tiger claw victim recovering from serious infection in hand,The Forum, March 22, 2005.
Akilah Johnson, Bengal tiger escapes from cage,Sun-Sentinel, February 27, 2005.
Authorities kill tiger that had been roaming Simi Valley hills,Associated Press, February 23, 2005.
Catherine Saillant, Couple admit owning escaped tiger,Los Angeles Times, January 9, 2007.
Angie Wagner, Group rescues pet tigers, says private ownership should end,Associated Press, March 2, 2005.
Brian Allen, Neglected Animals Removed From Pahrump Residence,KLAS-TV, March 2, 2005.
Nicole Johnson and Candace Rondeaux, Tiger cub nips hand of Oldsmar woman,St. Petersburg Times, February 24, 2005.
Burton Speakman, Woman mauled in leopard attack at Wildlife Extravaganza,Courier, February 12, 2005.
Sue Thackeray, Owner will not face charges after leopard attack,Courier, February 15, 2005.
Alleged Zoo Tiger Attack,KELOLAND TV, January 26, 2005.
Lion cub bites child,, January 23, 2005.
Sauk County Health Department, Animal Bite Form, January 20, 2005.
Alfonso A. Castillo, “4-year deal in leopard case,Newsday, December 21, 2005.
Chantelle Janelle, Texas circus worker bitten by Bengal tiger,WIS, December 5, 2004.
big cat incidents
Teen, police tell of tiger attack,MSNBC, November 22, 2004.
Beckie Ferguson, Safety of Branson West attraction questioned after leopard bite,Branson Daily News, December 2, 2004.
Serina Wilkins, Woman is injured by tiger in Gentry,The Benton County Daily Record, November 10, 2004.
Man injured after sticking hand in jaguars cage,, October 30, 2004.
Lucio Guerrero and Andrew Herrman, Lincoln Park lions maul zoo trainer,Chicago Sun-Times, September 9, 2004.
Leopard injures employee of Trenton zoo,Associated Press, September 9, 2004.
USDA Decision and Order re Craig Perry, AWA Docket No. 05-0026, March 29, 2012; pgs. 28, 35, 37.
Joe McGurk and Cynthia R. Fagen, QNS. BENGAL TANGLE,New York Post, August 1, 2004.
James DeWeese, Tigers parkway stroll spurs $60M lawsuit,Times Ledger, December 9, 2004.
Snow leopard escapes in Bullitt County,, July 28, 2004.
Animal Bite Report, Otter Tail County Sheriff, July 23, 2004.
Morrison County Sheriff Investigative Report, ICR #04-005406, July 15, 2004.
Akilah Johnson, Pet tiger eludes capture after escape from one-time Tarzans home,Sun-Sentinel, July 13, 2004.
Police kill tiger as it lunged at officer; Tigers owner said to be extremely distraught’,” CNN, July 13, 2004.
Glorida McFadden, USDA internal memo regarding Animal Incident,June 6, 2004.
Letter from Rodney Taylor, Associate Director, Prince Georges County Government, to Ricky Walker, UniverSoul Circus, July 22, 2004.
Claire Cahoon, Woman attacked by African lion in Liberty Township,Chillicothe Gazette, May 29, 2004.
Officials recapture escaped movie tiger,The Desert Sun, April 16, 2004.
Girl mauled by grandmothers caged cougar,Associated Press, March 17, 2004.
Don Cox, Sierra Safari volunteer will return to work when wounds heal,Reno Gazette-Journal, March 16, 2004.
Becky Malkovich, LION ATTACKS, KILLS HARDIN COUNTY MAN,Southern Illinoisan, February 13, 2004.
Michelle Krupa, Leopard was like a babyto Port Sulphur woman,Times-Picayune, February 11, 2004.
Neighbors Sue Man Over His Pet Wildcats,Associated Press, February 27, 2004.
Tiger mauls 14-year-old girl in Surry County,Associated Press, January 24, 2004.
10-year-old N.C. boy killed by Bengal tiger,Associated Press, December 15, 2003.
Jerry Engler, Two tigers killed at exotic-animal confinement,Hillsboro Free Press, December 16, 2003.
Big Cat Seizure,KAKE, January 9, 2004.
Lois Gormley, Zoo makes changes in cheetah handling,The Desert Sun, December 13, 2003.
Barbara E. Hernandez, Cheetah placed in quarantine after biting woman, trainer,The Press-Enterprise, November 15, 2003.
Relatives Say Tiger Attack On Boy Surprised Them; Officials May Consider Ban On Exotic Pets,NBC17, December 16, 2003.
Caleb Soptelean, Handlers wrong move draws lightening quickstrike from tiger,Kingman Daily Minor, October 15, 2003.
Mike Weatherford, TIGER ATTACK: Roys Injuries severe’,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 5, 2003.
J.M. Kalil and Dave Berns, Tiger attacks Roy onstage, Illusionist listed in critical condition after bite to neck,Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 4, 2003.
Tiger keeper plans to visit petin Ohio,Associated Press, April 9, 2004.
Pet mountain lion mauls dog,Telegraph-Forum, August 21, 2003.
Jim Salter, Fence going up after cheetah briefly escaped yard at zoo,Associated Press, August 14, 2003.
Timothy San Pedro, Big cats, heat rule on opening day of Riverfest,LaCrosse Tribune, July 3, 2003.
Man critically injured in tiger attack,The Denver Channel, June 30, 2003.
Elleen Kelley, Cat-refuge worker survives attack of two tigers,Denver Post, July 1, 2003.
Tiger bites firefighter at Crossett Zoo,Ashley County Ledger, June 23, 2003.
Sworn affidavits provided to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Kevin Blocker, Suit alleges tiger mauling,Spokesman-Review, April 10, 2004.
Animal park faces fines,Associated Press, May 28, 2003.
Rosemary Barnes, Lioness killed after escape from sanctuary,San Antonio Express-News, April 7, 2003.
Tulsan is killed in attack by tiger,Tulsa World, April 3, 2003.
Kevin King, Animal Handler Killed By Bengal Tigers,KTUL, April 2, 2003.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, AWA Docket No. 04-A032, Decision and Order, March 22, 2007.
Gary L. Smith, Tigers killed in effort to save man; Victim ran licensed exotic cats sanctuary,Journal Star, April 2, 2003.
Steve Gibson, “Tiger bites keeper at Sacramento,Sacramento Bee, March 24, 2003.
State of Minnesota vs. Grant William Oly, Summons, SJIS Complaint #25-11-5-012916, May 8, 2003.
Tiger Euthanized After Biting Pregnant Woman,WCCO, June 3, 2003.
Bengal tiger escapes in Jacksonville while cage is cleaned,Associated Press, February 4, 2003.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #58-C-0505, February 6, 2003.
David Chanen, Tiger cubs plight prompts call for exotic-pets law,Star Tribune, February 12, 2003.
Vanita Washington, Fugitive cougar captured in womans yard,The Greenville News, January 8, 2003.
Kate OHare, “‘24hazards lurk in real life, too, The Times Union, December 16, 2002.
Cougar clamps down on Cuthbert,Zap2it, December 12, 2002.
Who let the cat out?,The Washington Post, December 15, 2002.
State of Minnesota vs. Grant William Oly, Summons, SJIS Complaint #25-11-5-012916, May 8, 2003.
Tigers spotted on Vegas Rooftop,KLAS-TV, October 28, 2002.
Zookeeper not angry at lion that attacked him,Associated Press, November 12, 2002.
big cat incidents
Brian X. McCrone, Husband of Tiger Ladyattacked in pen,The Times, October 12, 2002.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Memorandum from Robert M. Gibbens, Director, Western Region, USDA, APHIS, Animal Care to Tim Fordahl, Western
Regional Director, Investigative and Enforcement Services, October 15, 2002.
Megan Hopper, Police shoot, kill escaped tiger; Animal fled from owners at B-N truck stop,Pantagraph, September 29, 2002.
Karen Blatter, Feds investigate tiger shooting,Pantagraph, October 1, 2002.
Kevin Simpson, Police wait for tiger charges,Pantagraph, October 18, 2002.
Four lions killed near Arkansas town,Associated Press, September 24, 2002.
Ken McLaughlin, State probes tiger incident,San Jose Mercury News, September 24, 2002.
Leopard claws zoo handler, banished from stage in favor of breeding,Associated Press, July 26, 2002.
Leopard claws zoo handler, banished from stage in favor of breeding,Associated Press, July 26, 2002.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #82-C-0035, July 2, 2002.
April Simun, WOMAN FINED FOR FAILING TO CONFINE LIONS,The State, July 26, 2002.
State of Minnesota vs. Grant William Oly, Summons, SJIS Complaint #25-11-5-012916, May 8, 2003.
Owner found guilty after tiger bites child,Associated Press, September 28 2002.
Lion bites arm off Fla. zookeeper,Associated Press, May 12, 2002.
Vickie Chachere, Surgeons cannot reattach womans arm,Associated Press, May 13, 2002.
Brady Dennis, Lion attack brings lawsuit,St. Petersburg Times, June 4, 2003.
Easley familys pet tiger bites son in leg,Post and Courier, April 28, 2002.
State of Minnesota vs. Grant William Oly, Summons, SJIS Complaint #25-11-5-012916, May 8, 2003.
PARK DIRECTOR INJURED BY TEXAS MOUNTAIN LION,GW Exotic Animal Park web site, GW Exotic News, March - April 2002.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #43-C-0154, March 5, 2002.
Mitchell shoots, kills unstabletiger,Pahrump Valley Times, February 15, 2002.
William Cooper Jr. and Sanjay Bhatt, Local pet tiger fractures womans head,Palm Beach Post, February 3, 2002.
Susan Thurston, Tiger encounter gets too close,St. Petersburg Times, February 2, 2002.
Two injured in attack in drive-through safari,Associated Press, January 24, 2002.
Kevin Ellis, Leon County Sheriffs Office, Incident/Offense Report, Centerville, December 30, 2001.
Doug McMurdo, Nye sued over tiger bite,Pahrump Valley Times, February 8, 2002.
Claire Osborn, “3-year-old boy killed by pet tiger at grandparents house,Austin American-Statesman, October 11, 2001.
Woman attacked by caged lion,Topeka Capital Journal, August 20, 2001.
Saundra Amrhein and Jamie Malernee, Agitated tiger, hole in fence, over in an instant,St. Petersburg Times, August 2, 2001.
Tiger fatally mauls worker at animal park,Associated Press, August 10, 2001.
Jason Garcia, Widow sues tiger owner,Orlando Sentinel, March 28, 2002.
Tiger that bit girl euthanized,United Press International, July 27, 2001.
Robert Franklin, Judge orders killing of tiger that bit child,Star Tribune, July 26, 2001.
Animal escapes for 10 hours at Nashville Zoo,Associated Press, June 26, 2001.
Escaped tiger killed by sheriffs officer,Topeka Capital-Journal, April 30, 2001.
Alleged lioness remains elusive,The Crescent-News, April 29, 2001.
One of three pet tigers dies after capture,THV, April 9, 2001.
Omaha Wowed,Circus Report, May 21, 2001.
Frank Geary, Animal control officers had cited tigers owner,Las Vegas Review-Journal, March 29, 2001.
Marsha Paxson, Lion on the loose in Morgan - Big cat escapes from troubled wildlife facility near lake; school alerts parents on bus route, cops search
woods,Lake Sun Leader, March 26, 2001.
Marsha Paxson, Caged - Deer-baited trap snares escaped lion who terrorized Morgan neighborhood,Lake Sun Leader, March 27, 2001.
Authorities Bait Trap with Chicken to Capture Lion who Escaped from Private Reserve in Ozarks,Associated Press, April 1, 2001.
Marsha Paxxon, Guilty plea in big cat case,Lake Sun Leader, June 11, 2001.
THOMAS J. QUINN Thomas J. Quinn, 500-lb. tiger attacks; owner saves victim,Plain Dealer, March 20, 2001.
Sonseeahray Tonsall, Tiger on the loose,KARK-TV, March 16, 2001.
Kevan Mathis, Escaped Bengal tiger shot,Harrison Daily Times, March 19, 2001.
Cougar jumps on bus,KVBC, January 26, 2001.
“‘Cat Bus:’ Big cat hops aboard school bus,KTNV, January 26, 2001.
Untitled, Associated Press, December 20, 2000.
Nature center owner is charged over escaped mountain lion; The animal killed dogs and got into a house where a child was hiding,Associated Press,
December 7, 2000.
Daniel Connolly, Big cats attack boy, Kenyon student,The Kenyon Collegian, October 26, 2000.
Rita Price, BIG-CAT FACILITY CLOSED FOR NOW,Columbus Dispatch, November 25, 2000.
White tiger cub removed from fair for biting man,KOB-TV, September 14, 2000.
Wild Animals Kept As Pets Can Pose Danger,KELOLAND TV, September 22, 2000.
Teen Atacked By Tiger Will Stay With Father,KELOLAND TV, October 13, 2000.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Inspection Report, License #73-C-0133, August 16, 2000.
Tiger attacks patron at zoo fund-raiser,Associated Press, August 12, 2000.
Alyssa Waters, Cougar bites park worker,Chippewa Herald, July 12, 2000.
big cat incidents
Kevin Simpson, Man bitten by leopard at Miller Park Zoo; B-N resident allegedly leapt fence to pet cat,Pantagraph, June 7, 2000.
S.K. Bardwell, Tiger captured after escaping cage,Houston Chronicle, June 7, 2000.
Caged tiger bites off womans arm,Associated Press, May 21, 2000.
Feds probe tiger attack on girl,” United Press International, May 17, 2000.
Leigh Hopper, Tiger quarantined / Boy likely will have use of arm,Houston Chronicle, March 17, 2000.
Lisa Teachey, In wake of tiger attack, a hard choice / Family weighs move here for boys recovery,Houston Chronicle, March 30, 2000.
Chuck Smith, High school student gets nibbled when she puts her hand in cougars cage,Great Bend Tribune, February 25, 2000.
Tiger owner often investigated,Associated Press, November 24, 2004.
Pet lion attacks 5-year-old boy,Associated Press, December 4, 1999.
Alex Branch, Escaped Lions Returned to Cages,Wichita Eagle, November 19, 1999.
Zookeeper bitten and clawed by leopard,Associated Press, October 31, 1999.
James Prichard, Zookeeper, on job for three weeks, mauled by lion,Associated Press, October 21, 1999.
Sterling woman mauled by zoo tiger,Associated Press, June 25, 1999.
Becky Cooper, Tiger kills Yorktown 9-year-old,Victoria Advocate, June 8, 1999.
Becky Cooper, Sentence handed out in tiger trial,Victoria Advocate, June 1, 2000.
Gary Lynch, Victim of tiger attack making good recovery,Tyler Morning Telegraph, March 31, 1999.
Debra Franco, Leopard attacks boy at zoo,Gazette, March 17, 1999.
Zoo worker mauled by Sumatran tiger,Courier & Press, February 28, 1999.
Tiger on the Prowl Escaped from Farm,South Florida Sun-Sentinel, June 29, 1999.
Tiger bites 5-year-old,Associated Press, January 9, 1999.
Tiger owner often investigated,Associated Press, November 24, 2004.
Circus trainer clawed by tiger in serious condition,Chicago Tribune, November 23, 1998.
Owner attacked by pet lion,States News Service, November 20, 1998.
COUGAR ATTACK; Just a Big Mac to him,Herald-Sun, November 30, 1998.
Bengal tiger kills again,Boca Raton News, November 15, 1998.
Tigers escape pens at Cut and Shoot; 1 eludes searchers,Houston Chronicle, November 8, 1998.
Police, dogs search for Texas tiger,Reuters, November 9, 1998.
Paul McKay, Searchers kill 2nd escaped tiger in thicket near Cut and Shoot,Houston Chronicle, November 9, 1998.
Bob Arndorfer, White tiger bites, kills its trainer,Orlando Sun, October 9, 1998.
Tim Grant, Caged leopard attacks sanctuary volunteer,St. Petersburg Times, September 4, 1998.
Gretchen Parker, Hurt teen will work with animals, mom says,Sarasota Herald Tribune, August 25, 1998.
Gretchen Parker, Bites impact felt six months later,Sarasota Herald Tribune, February 14, 1999.
Tiger mauls woman posing for photo at California park,Associated Press, August 1, 1998.
Boy clawed by tiger at N.D. fair,Associated Press, July 31, 1998.
Roy Appleton, Lucky stripes; Cougar trouble leads woman to tiger in need of home,Dallas Morning News, January 21, 1999.
Maki Becker, Zoo owner pries workers head from lions jaws,Charlotte Observer, April 8, 1998.
Michelle Bradford, Tiger mauling at refuge an accident,Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, April 15, 1998.
Tiger bites 5-year-old,Associated Press, January 9, 1999.
Jeff Diamant, Playful leopard nearly kills trainer as 100 watch,Charlotte Observer, February 11, 1998.
Stephen Thompson, Tiger mauls trainer,Tampa Tribune, January 10, 1998.
Relatives sue over attack by tiger,Associated Press, May 6, 1999.
Amy Collins, Jaguar bites second trainer as film chase turns real,The Daily News, October 24, 1997.
Trainer injured by jaguar on film set, Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 16, 1997.
Trainer recovering from panther attack, Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 17, 1997.
Letter from Thomas French, Assistant Director, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, to Heidi Riggs, Bridgeport Nature Center, March 25, 1998.
Jonathan Nelson, Couple wants Columbia County to impose ban on exotic animals,The Oregonian, December 14, 1999.
Texas,USA Today, May 8 1997.
Tiger kills trainer in front of children,Associated Press, May 8, 1997.
Stephanie Spellers, KNOX COUNTY BOY, 4, CLAWED BY CAGED EXOTIC LION-TIGER,News-Sentinel, May 5, 1997.
Killer leopard shot to death,Associated Press, April 30, 1997.
Jaime Castillo, Man injured by tiger at animal orphanage,San Antonio Express-News, April 28, 1997.
Handler recovering from tiger attack,UPI, March 21, 1997.
Anita McDivitt, Tiger takes morning stroll,San Antonio Express-News, March 19, 1997.
Tiger recaptured after killing ostrich,United Press International, March 18, 1997.
James Pinkerton, Darling but dangerous,Houston Chronicle, June 22, 1997.
Jeannie Kever, Big cats and other wild reasons to dream,Texas - Houston Chronicle Magazine, January 19, 2003.
3 GET RABIES SHOTS TO SAVE TIGERS LIFE,Associated Press, December 31, 1996.
Tiger attacks Vegas trainer,Las Vegas Sun, October 9, 1996.
Kevin Moran, Declawed pet lion shot in escape dies despite vetsefforts, Houston Chronicle, September 19, 1996.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Speed Memo, Hawthorn Corporation, July 18, 1996.
Girls condition critical after tiger mauling, car accident,Charleston Gazette, May 9, 1996.
big cat incidents
Owner of tiger that mauled girl outside Dallas lacked permit,Austin American-Statesman, May 11, 1996.
Tigers owner indicted,Houston Chronicle, May 24, 1996.
James Pinkerton, Darling but dangerous,Houston Chronicle, June 22, 1997.
Kenneth J. Garcia, Two Marine World trainers attacked by cougars, San Francisco Chronicle, January 6, 1996.
Frank Geary, Animal control officers had cited tigers owner,Las Vegas Review-Journal, March 29, 2001.
Texas,USA Today, December 27, 1995.
Anita Baker, Zoo to learn why tiger wires failed,Fort Worth Star-Telegram, August 4, 1996.
Kelly Thompson Cochran and Steve Swindell, Familys pet tiger attacks, seriously wounds 3-year-old boy,News & Observer, November 24, 1995.
J. Mike Blake and Ted Richardson, Blinded by a tiger at age 3, teen comes out a winner,The Daily News Online, March 7, 2010.
USA Today, November 13, 1995.
Baby cougar bites Gingrich,Associated Press, November 2, 1995.
Peg West and Ken Kolker, Officials probe fatal lion attack in Fennville,Grand Rapids Press, October 30, 1995.
Woman tries to pet lion, loses fingers,Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 3, 1995.
Genevieve Judge, Look Back At Bannock Countys Ligertown,KIFI, February 17, 2011.
Mike Hutmacher, Where the Wild Things are Officials Call for More Regulation of Exotic Pets,Wichita Eagle, September 19, 1995.
Where the wild things are,Wichita Eagle, September 19, 1995.
Kevin Simpson, Man bitten by leopard at Miller Park Zoo; B-N resident allegedly leapt fence to pet cat,Pantagraph, June 7, 2000.
Robert Boos, Mesa boy gets painful lesson from Phoenix Zoo mountain lion,Mesa Tribune, August 7, 1995.
“2-Year-Old Boy Hurt In Pet Cougar Attack,New York Times, June 4, 1995.
Tiger Loose 4 Hours After Crash of Van in Michigan,Associated Press, May 30, 1995.
Tiger Escapes after Truck Overturns, Tranquilized Hours Later,Associated Press, May 29, 1995.
Paul Duggan, Lion victim entered exhibit on purpose, D.C. officials say,Washington Post, March 8, 1995.
Leopard mauling,Associated Press, January 2, 1995.
T.L. Henion, Woman Has No Memory of Cat Attack Mauled Zoo Worker Healing Fast,Omaha World Herald, January 4, 1995.
Bad kitty,Washington Times, October 12, 1994.
Tiger Attacks Animal Farm Worker,Associated Press, June 20, 1994.
John Lantiqua, Metro Zoo tries to unravel mystery mauling by tiger,Herald, June 7, 1994.
Cheetah attack,Associated Press, April 5, 1994.
Larry Young, Pet cougar attacks man in his yard, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, March 23, 1994.
Where the wild things are,Wichita Eagle, September 19, 1995.
Elk County couple has history of animal trouble,WIBW-TV, March 21, 2008.
Where the wild things are,Wichita Eagle, September 19, 1995.
Elk County couple has history of animal trouble,WIBW-TV, March 21, 2008.
Lion mauling,USA Today, December 14, 1993.
Circus employee mauled by tiger,Washington Times, September 15, 1993.
Teen rescues brother from lion attack,Columbus Dispatch, August 11, 1993.
Woman home after lions bite,Review-Journal, June 5, 1993.
Man sits with lions--and survives,Associated Press, May 7, 1993.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Civil Penalty Stipulation Agreement, October 6, 1993.
Robert Guy Matthews, CIRCUS LION MAULS ITS TRAINER AT SCOPE,Virginian-Pilot, February 25, 1993.
Tiger mauls animal farm employee,Washington Times, February 5, 1993.
Tiger shot after attacking Californian,Review-Journal, December 1, 1992.
Tiger attacks illusionist in Reno,Las Vegas Sun, September 28, 1992.
Uncaged,Associated Press, May 22, 1992.
Ann Stewart,Woman survives attack by cougar,News Journal, April 8, 1992.
HOTLINE,Circus Report, April 6, 1992.
Pat Grossmith, Bedford model wins $75,000 in lion case,The Union Leader, March 24, 1995.
Manchester, New Hampshire,USA Today, March 18, 1995.
Matt Campbell, Man trying to pet a caged lion is bitten on hand,Kansas City Star, October 1, 1991.
Lion cub bites girl,Journal, September 18, 1991.
John D. Cramer, Man sticks hand in lions cage, is bitten,Fresno Bee, August 18, 1991.
Lion Bursts Into Mobile Home, Attacks Child,Associated Press, June 3, 1991.
Circus had earlier violations,Atlanta Journal and Constitution, February 5, 1992.
Abraham Kwok, Tiger wounds resort visitor,The Arizona Republic, November 6, 1990.
Barbara Ordahl, Lawsuit filed in mauling,Rapid City Journal, August 8, 1991.
Leopard showings continue,Associated Press, July 25, 1990.
Perry Lang, Leopards bloody attack on keeper at SF Zoo,San Francisco Chronicle, May 30, 1990.